The below might be the most ignorant, biggoted comment/question I have ever read on this message board. Deny it all you want, but you do NOT want YOUR kids in the same building as those that ''drag down'' the test scores of the district.
What path do those kids follow for future schools & grades?
Harmon or Diley or Tollgate?
Lakeview or Ridgeview?
North or Central?
-By Anonymous
The below might be the most ignorant, biggoted comment/question I have ever read on this message board. Deny it all you want, but you do NOT want YOUR kids in the same building as those that ''drag down'' the test scores of the district.
What path do those kids follow for future schools & grades?
Harmon or Diley or Tollgate?
Lakeview or Ridgeview?
North or Central?
-By Anonymous