- duster
- Respected Neighbor
- 161 Posts
Pickerington Residents:
The Pickerington City Council will meet again this coming Tuesday at 7:30 P.M. If you can attend this meeting it is very important that you do. They have nearly 2000 new building lots on their agenda. There are referendums close to completion to place those issues on the ballot.
The council has the ability to rescind these ordinances and pass them as emeregncies. If they are going to do that make them do it in front a large crowd of witnesses. Your presence may make the difference.
Referendums on the way.
I have heard that the recent referendums have collected enough signatures and they will be turned into the city this week.
I understand that Dominion have threatened to withdraw their ''GIFT'' of a 16 acre school site if these petitions make it to the ballot. It has the school board members worried. How in the hell did one little dingy corner of Fairfield county end up with so many wussies being elected to serve us. I think we should tell DOMINION to take their damn land and shove it up their dark canal. Bushman claims this land is worth Millions. B--- S---. The only reason it has any value is because these idiots we have on council rezoned the property as R-4. Thus making the property go from farm land to developed land. It is more valuable because it is R-4 high density which means they can put more houses on it and they can make more money because they are in a larger housing market. I guess that makes us the Wal-Mart of the central Ohio Housing market.
Anyway I still think members of this school board calling these petitioners and worrying about DOMINION with drawing their offer of the land. I say they (DOMINION) can see that the current council will not be back next year. In fact, they may not serve out the rest of this year. So how does DOMINION think they will ever get ANYTHING rezoned if they pull that S---. If DOMINION does with draw their offer of the land then god help the next councilman that votes in favor of EVER re-zoning another piece of property that DOMINION is even mentioned as part owners.
God when do we elect people with some real B---s here in Pickerington? Now I will go to bed mad and wake up typing in plan ''B'' for a recall. JUST SAY NAY!!
By Double Dealer
What Gift?
Dear Double Dealer,
Your're serious, 16 acres are worth MILLIONS??? I don't know what Bushman was smoking when he claimed that but I have 18 acres I'll sell for $185,000. Of course, I would donate the land to a charitable annuity trust and let the trust sell it for me. Land is only worth the value of the first acre for the house, the additional acreage is fluff. Dominion, in Lancaster is preparing the second part of their development to finish off with a combined total of 1150 new houses. Figureing only an average of 1 child per house minimum, that is a population explosion! From my plan, the average Dominion home in Lancaster is averageing $120,000. A 5% fee on each would cost $6,000, payable over 30 years or $16.67 a month for new schools. a total of 1150 X $6000 = $6,900,000, more than enough for a new school to educate these children with out hurting the new home owners or punishing the residents of Pickerington. It sounds fair to me!
Michael Noll, candidate Fairfield County Commissioner
Good morning Double D
Dear Dub ?–
Hope you had a good night?’s sleep. Let?’s clarify the word ?“gift?” from what I have heard. If you?’re talking about the Villages at Sycamore Creek, I heard the developer is getting concerned because our referendum initiative efforts brought to light something the homeowners there didn?’t know. They?’re getting 185 condos or apartments. Even though when asking the developer directly in the eye if that were true when they were purchasing, they were told no. Now they?’re the ones upset and making noise. (hey, welcome to our world) It is my understanding that the gift is not really a gift at all. The fine print of the ?‘gift?’ says that the PLSD has the first option to PURCHASE the land. I think Wes called them out on that and they folded.
Guess what! The ?‘donation?’ to Pickerington Ponds is the same deal. Columbus Parks and Rec has the first option to purchase the 21 acres set aside. If Columbus can?’t purchase it, let?’s see 21 X 4= 84 houses, 151.2 students and 168 more cars on our roads instead. Isn?’t that swell?
The Parade of Homes is also supposedly ?‘donating?’ land to the PLSD for a future elementary on their site. Well, I?’ve been by there and there probably is 11 acres of bog that they can?’t build on so let?’s make it available for purchase by PLSD too.
Round and round we go. Where we?’ll stop only Council knows.
By Simple Man