It?’s too troublesome to keep typing in all of the scoundrels names and I doubt the local papers listed them all so it?’s time for this acronym to be used. CBB standing for Council?’s Building Buddies. I couldn?’t make the last Council meeting but I?’d appreciate it if someone in attendance could let me know which CBB?’s spoke and the others that were also there to egg on their interests.
By Still want to know
I am sure you will see the minutes here soon. Once they are published they certainly will find there way to our cabable WEB master who will scan them in in their spare time.
Minutes not good enough
With all due respect the minutes of last weeks meeting another week or so from now typed on the keyboard of a city employee and approved by what Mr. Hart termed as pro-growth members of Council and the Mayor aren?’t the type of information I?’m seeking. I?’ve been to past Council meetings and when I could get my hands on the minutes of the meetings I attended they were far from the true flavor of the proceedings. Timely and accurate information is what I want and expect. One of the local papers didn?’t include anything (I think they went to press before the meeting by the timing of when that paper arrived at my driveway). Another only mentioned Hart, some guy named Graham, a builder Heitmeyer then a couple of one line sentences from three citizens out of what they said was 35 speakers. The third paper listed only two outside speakers, a property owner who wants to get her piece of the development pie and a member of the Chamber of Commerce, who oddly spoke like she cared about the awful growth here. The Dispatch apparently didn?’t even bother to send their own reporter.
What I want to know from the crowd who attended is ?“what really got said?” the flavor and the reactions of the officeholders and I?’m interested in it before it?’s too late.
By Still want to know
Come to the Next Meeting.....
To get the best information come to the next Council Meeting - you will see many people care enough about our Community to speak out. There's nothing ''odd'' about it - it's up to the School District Residents to communicate what we want to the City Council & Building Community as needed. Our Schools & Community need all of the Advocates it can get !!
If we are not satisfied with the State of Pickerington then getting involved is one way to change it. If you have ideas & don't want to speak at a Council Meeting then come & lend support. If you can't make the Council Meeting & have ideas you'd like to express come to a CommUNITY 1st meeting, more details are listed on Our Pages. The next meeting is at the Junior High School at 2 pm on March 23rd.