Thanks Doctor Pepper for admitting Bruce and Gail lied to us. They still are lying. They have always lied.
Thanks Doctor Pepper for admitting Bruce and Gail lied to us. They still are lying. They have always lied.
Thanks Doctor Pepper for admitting Bruce and Gail lied to us. They still are lying. They have always lied. |
Don't forget
Lying ''Stick it to 'em Sigman'' is up for re-election. You want to remove a liar then start with him. Bruce is stepping down from the school board so let's remove Larry as well. I know he's not getting my vote. By Anonymoose |
Can a School Board...
Can a School Board Member be recalled ?? I thin the photo of Wes with the check should be enough. Interestingly in her comments, Mrs. Oakes did not single out anyone by name but William Goldman. Could Wes have a guilty conscience - is that why he went ballistic? Protesting too much ? I wish he'd donate his office & not just his salary. We need him out. By Get rid of Wes |