Pine Gardens Neighborhood Association

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Newsletter Articles

The Deadline For Newsletter Articles in the 15th of the Month Following the General Membership Meeting: DEADLINES: July 2006 Issue September 2006 Issue November 2006 Issue _________________________ We... more
Started: May 22nd 2006Replies: 0

Crime Information

The Association has received a number of tips regarding criminal activity in our area. PLEASE contact CRIME STOPPERS directly with this information. They know the right questions to ask and the right... more
Started: May 11th 2006Replies: 0

I work at a hotel and I have feral cats

Good Morning all..   I saw where everyone was talking about the TNR program and I was not sure if that would apply to the two males at the hotel..    I have started feeding them .. yet... more
Started: May 29th 2023Replies: 0

Pine Gardens Neighborhood Association Real Estate and Home Values

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Instant Home Value

Rural Single Family Home Loans
Homestead_th Section 502 loans are primarily used to help low-income individuals or households purchase homes in rural areas. Funds can be used to build, repair, renovate or relocate a home, or to purchase and prepare...
Tags: FinancialHomeownerRural

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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The National Do Not Call Registry List
Donotcallthumb The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) launched the National Do Not Call Registry to give Americans a choice about getting telemarketing calls at home. There are few things more annoying than unsolicited sales...
Creating A Fire Defensible Space
Defensiblethumb Wildfires are among the nation's growing natural hazards. Though wildfires are natural and often beneficial in less populated areas, more and more homes and lives are being threatened. Many states are...
Tags: AssociationSafety
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