Pipkin Hills

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Name of Home Builder

Does anyone now the name of the builder of the homes on Sam's Court.  We are having some window issues and there are no stickers on them that give make or model.  We are hoping the home... more
Started: April 3rd 2011Replies: 0

Indoor Community Yard Sale June 5th, booths still...

We are having another one of our popular community yard sale events in Spring Hill. We had over 700 people show up to buy some amazing treasures at our last event. We will have designer clothing,... more
Started: May 24th 2010Replies: 0

having problems with your home?

I am looking for any other homeowners who may have had problems wih their home after purchase and made a complaint to spring hill realty. Please contact me hatrick1tonly@aol.com more
Started: April 10th 2005Replies: 0

Pipkin Hills Real Estate and Home Values

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Rural Single Family Home Loans
Homestead_th Section 502 loans are primarily used to help low-income individuals or households purchase homes in rural areas. Funds can be used to build, repair, renovate or relocate a home, or to purchase and prepare...
Tags: FinancialHomeownerRural

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Creating A Disaster Supplies Kit
Areyouready_010_th A Disaster Supply Kit is a collection of basic items that members of a household may need in the event of a disaster. Kit Locations Since you do not know where you will be when an emergency occurs, prepare...
Do you owe taxes on your home sale?
Taxes Most homeowners won’t owe any taxes on profits realized from the sale of their primary home. Here’s how to find out if you’re one of them! Chances are good that you won’t owe any taxes ...
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