there are two sides in war the aggressor and the defender. preparing to defend yourself is not and act of war. going to the shores of a country with war ships is an act of war. if you can't see that this government is out of control then you are blind. nafta, amnesty, adopting U.N. resolutions, alliance to foreign countries, aggressive wars, voting against the constitution(patriot act, military commission act, etc) and more are acts of treason by people who took an oath to defend and obey the constitution. we had a power grab by the international bankers in 1913( even pres wilson regrets signing the federal reserve act of 1913) and a military coup in 1963(only one gunmen is the real conspiracy theory). this country has been controlled by the international bankers and corporations and they are bent on destroying our way of life. why else would they send our manufacturing overseas. manufacturing is how you create wealth for a country. no we need to prepared to defend ourselves from these globalist fascist. wake up people.
there are now free speech zones, pre-raids on portesters(the democratic convention had pre-raids on protesters from re-create 68 and other groups1, 2).people have been arrested for filming police 1,2, 3senators are passing upwards of 90% of there bills without reading or debating them 1,2. this is insane that no one cares about this and you think this is only happening in texas WAKE UP PEOPLE.