If you own a home in the Raven Glen Community, you are automatically a member of the Raven Glen Maintenance Corporation (RGMC). Be Proactive and get your voice heard.
Be a more active member in your community.
You and your neighbors. If you own a home in the Raven Glen Community, you are automatically a member of the Raven Glen Maintenance Corporation (RGMC). Each Homeowner is required to pay an annual assessment fee of $140 to maintain common areas in the community.
To proactively manage and maintain the 4+ acres of common ground - which includes lawn care, mulching, tree triming and watering, community park, snow removal and stormwater management in such a way that we maximize our property value.
-> Lanell Benson, president
-> Brenda Howard, vice president
-> Marylin Fincher, Treasurer
-> Patricia Evans, Secretary