- jbell
- Valued Neighbor
- 3 Posts
The speed of traffic on Verde Cruz seems to be getting faster and faster. I was curious if anyone that lives on either Muldrow or Hackberry is having the same problem? I have talked to the county numerous times but have been told that the speed and traffic volumes do not warrant speed bumps. Does anyone else feel this is a problem or have any suggestions to slow down the traffic?
Traffic Study
More traffic with attendant increases in congestion, noise, pollution, unsafe conditions, accidents, and crime is one of the concerns of our Association. Development of the proposed 56-unit apartment complex will result in an increase in all of the foregoing.
Our Association needs to conduct its own traffic study. Please notify me if you are interested in helping with this project.

- vdaher
- Active Neighbor
- 1 Post
traffic bumps
Hi J Bell,
I do not live on Hackberry or Muldrow but on Loma Linda Ct.
Being in a cul de sac protects me from most of the traffic on Verde Cruz but I have noticed it is getting worse.
I would like to get speed bumps on Verde Cruz. It will slow down residents and annoy those commuters who are using Verde Cruz and Hackberry as a short cut to avoid Madison and Manzanita traffic.
V Daher
Traffic bumps / Stop Sign?
Personally, I would be against getting speed bumps, humps or whatever. When we were looking for a house, we wouldn't have purchased a home on a street with a yellow line down the middle or speed bumps. I would think the addition of speed bumps would have an impact on home prices.
I think a stop sign at the corner of Verde Cruz and Hackberry would help. Force people to actually stop before they start down Verde Cruz - rather then squeal tires around the curve, or turn from Hackberry on the wrong side of the road.
I realize that people are going ridiculous speeds down the street - maybe we can try some other methods first - like the stop sign. Or having the sheriff's department leave one of those ''Your speed is'' machines in the middle of the block.