Keep Driving People Away

Posted in: Redland Woods
I am among the early homeowners in Redland Woods. We used to have many volunteers. Many former Board members still live here. What has happened to them? They have become disgusted like myself. People with their own agenda go after them. If something isn't done as they think, they attack. Why put up with this garbage?

Now, many postings are attacking Colletta. I've known her since shortly after she moved here. She has worked on committees and been a Board member. She represents us to the city and this has been beneficial. Even when she wasn't on the Board, she stayed involved including writing articles for the newsletter. She is the only early resident who has stayed interested and concerned with the association. Now the same group that has targeted others and driven them away is attempting to do this to her. Have you asked the management company your questions? Did you ask Colletta or the other Board members your questions? No,you prefer to attack and sit back. You don't want to take on the work that is involved in running the association and taking care of our property. You want everything done your way.You want the Board to do things that you won't and is not a duty of the Board. The people who volunteered for these things in the past won't do them now due to your actions. Now, you've resorted to taking statements out of context or half reporting a statement. If you ever looked at our association documents( or any other association's documents), you would know that we elect a Board to run things and make decisions for us. Do you personally attack the mayor, councilman, state and federal lawmakers? No, you're probably not too concerned, but they have more impact on your life than the Board members of our association.
The current Board seem to be looking at all areas of our community and assesing the needs.They have done quite a lot in a few months. Everyone I talk with has been pleased with the results. They know that more information will come on the park and other areas.They are willing to wait and let them continue with a job well done so far. Their job is to maintain our property values and address the maintenance issues of the association. They seem to be doing more than an adequate job.
Ask other associations and most would jump at the chance to have Board members willing to devote the time and energy of our current Board members. You'd rather sit back and have Board members who do little as long as they agree with you and your thinking. After you drive all the concerned residents away, then you'll move and leave us the mess.

By the way, any ''retirement'' community that I've seen or heard about always has a pool. Again your facts aren't striaght. Who says our association is now owed more money? You don't talk to the management company or the Board members, but use this site. There was nothing in the newsletter. How would you know this? Again, you are attacking without facts. Why don't you stop acting so juvenile and grow up? You don't want this Board to get the facts out. Why? Is there something that ''your group'' doesn't want the residents to know. Has something been hidden from us just as most of the information concerning the pool was even though we were asked to vote.

By Disgusted Resident
Driving People Away

I coulnd't agree with you more (on one point)....the actions of the board are driving people away. I know of several families that have moved less than 10 miles to get into a communities with families. I am considering it also. This community has coffee socials for the senior citizens, but nothing for families. The Easter Egg hunt was terrible this year (no refreshments and most of the candy had to be thrown away after it melted), we didn't have a Spring Picnic this year, and what happened to the Family Fun Nights?

I think this is the perfect neighborhood for retired folks, but I'm not recommending this neighborhood to any of the people I see at school functions.
Too Much Criticism

It seems that everyone wants to criticize.

Whether we like it or not, when we elect a board, they have complete power to do anything they want. And if you don't like it, then elect a different board or get involved on one of the committees.

And excuse me if this sounds like criticism, but the current board is one of the worst I've ever seen at criticising. In the two newsletters this year that I've received, the board is criticising everyone. They criticize the previous management company. They criticize the previous board -- and wasn't Tom Rau, who's on the current board, also on the previous board? They criticize the vote last year as not allowing enough time to get everyone's input, and then criticise the vote for taking too long. They criticize that not enough information was provided and then criticize that too much paper was being sent.

It would be really nice -- and very unexpected -- if people would just volunteer to help, if the board would honestly ask for input and then follow through, and if the community attempted to provide a little something for everyone. Is that too much to expect?
Whether we like it or not, when

You stated ''Whether we like it or not, when we elect a board''

Did we ,the community, elected a board or did the current board(or friends) collect many proxies to determine the outcome of the election?

Could one single homeowner actually make an informed decision and his/her vote make the difference. Probably not, in past elections it was the Board or Board friends that made the difference.

My displeasure is not at the current boards lack of effort. However, it is more at the way that Wes's 5 to 7 year plan has been TRASHED so quickly.

I too have lived in Redland Woods from the start and had been very active with the sub
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