The real Truth is something you don't want to accept. It is Clear that TMMC and the Maintenance staff have been entering our homes and removing ceiling materials for many years now without following proper procedures.
Look at the pictures on the website. I guess you still Don't care? Look at the videos showing some testing in the hallways. In what manner did the Board of Directors have the best interest of this community?
The Board should be ashamed for there actions and allowing untrained, unsafe and Potentially Deadly Asbestos removal in our homes by our maintenance personnel who are directed by TMMC!
We should be informed, I noticed the newsletter is being written to defend themselves and has no mention of this incident. What else are they hiding? By them hiding this from us for all these years it puts each and every Owner at risk!
We already told you that the Asbestos reading should be "ZERO" after a clean up in that Hud home. If the measuring equipment were used right after the spill created by the Maintenance people the readings may have been Positive.
Why do you still fight over this issue which is a clear violation of our rights as owners to be protected from future health issues. Maybe it would take this community taking TMMC to court and suing there pants off with a class action lawsuit!
Do you think that then we might get some media attention?
Highline Meadows