Spring Falls HOA

"Violation" notices Spring Falls Farm

Posted in: Spring Falls

Have you recieved one of these?  Our family did for parking in the street... funny thing is, we park our cars in the drive way (we only have two).  Our neighboors on the other hand like to park their cars in front of our house instead of theirs... I have no clue why, and I even sent an e-mail about this very thing to our HOA in June and never recieved a reply.  It would be nice if they would take a little time and investegate before assuming who parks thier cars where.  Nore so when there is the threat of a fine or even lean on our property.

Big suprise... day 2 and still no response from any of the board members from the email I sent to everyone of them.... and I have left 2 messages on the answering machine and no return call.  It's nice to see that "CHANGE IS COMING!".  It would be great if it really was, but it is starting to seem like more of the same.

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  • steve41
  • Active Neighbor
  • USA
  • 1 Post
  • Respect-O-Meter: Active Neighbor

Hey haven't seen anymore responses from you so that can only mean that someone responded to you. This is a whole new set of voluntary people that have taken this HOA over to try and get something done, because no one else wanted to do anything about it.

Seems like it was your problem that you let people PARK in front of your house and you did nothing about it.that is the problem with the people in this neighborhood no one wants to take responsibility, but lay all the blame on someone else to do it for you.

Someone on a daily basis parks in front of my house you can damn well be sure I will be up in someone. And as far as the people who have graciously took over the HOA from the crooks who ran it before, they have no way to see who's cars are in front of peoples houses, short of camping out in front of someones house to see who's car it is.

They can only asume that if the car is there day after day it must be your car!

And since you like to BLOG, let me ask you a question, have you paid your yearly dues?

And if not, you are part of the problem as well, so lets pay the dues and get the subdivison back on its feet and make it a good decent place to live, instead of these useless BLOGS.Smile

First off, Steve;  Yes, I do pay my dues, taxes, and whatever other fees may come my way.  Why would I move into a neighborhood w/ an HOA if I have no intention of being a part of it.  Second, I had only been in my house for less than 6 months when I received that notice.  I did not want to "make friends" in my new home by being the new jerk next door.  I did the proper thing and let them know whom, and which house they belonged to.  Guess what... 6 months later those cars are still there.  I have not made a stink about it because I did not have that much of a problem with it.  I do however have a problem being falsely accused.  I do not like to BLOG as you say, I just say that this was a forum for the HOA and I posted my displeasure.  It is here for both the positive and the negative in "our" neighborhood.

Way to be nice about you conversation too.... I do agree that it is nice that they are doing something, but let's make sure it is done the right way.

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