Spring Falls HOA

HOA e-mail address has changed!

Posted in: Spring Falls

The Spring Falls HOA was required to change its e-mail address recently. The old address was attached to a former board member's cable internet account. The new address to send e-mail is:



This is a web based address that can move from one board member to another. We have lost our ability at this point to do e-mail blasts but will try to correct that in the near future.



Dan Chesser, President

Spring Falls HOA, Inc.

  • Stock
  • jball
  • Active Neighbor
  • USA
  • 1 Post
  • Respect-O-Meter: Active Neighbor

I work for a company that is the listing company for a property on brook Bend Way which is in yur HOA. I need to get information about the HOA for the bank so we can take care of past dues. I tried to e-mail but it keeps coming back and I havent gotten a call back so could you please get in touch with me and help me get the needed information.


Thank you



502-244-4041 ext 106

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