He Said, She Said...
Mr. Wertz gave a complete report on the status of these maps at the General Membership Meeting in July. I believe you were away at the time of that meeting--have you called Rob since then to inquire? Those who are interested in facts don't simply accept ''he said, she said'' as fact. I appreciate your persistent and good work on this application, and hope that you will refocus your energies on working in the interests of the NSNA and residents. Is someone criticizing you for taking 3 years to complete the application? Reasonable people understand that neighborhood volunteers have homes and families to care for and jobs and that as volunteers they sometimes become involved in projects that are a new experience and where they must learn as they go and so may take more time than we wish. And an effective Board member and Committee Chair doesn't chastise or hold up for embarrassment a NSNA member or committee member in a public forum. I absolutely abhor the personal attacks that have been made toward you in the past on this website and the promotion of rumor as truth, and I hope that you'll rise above rather than sink to their low!