Suffolk Hills

What about those easements?

Posted in: Suffolk Hills
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  • gsubiti
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Suffolk Hills, Oro Valley, AZ
  • 2 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor


The locations of, purposes for, and regulations regarding easements within the recorded plat of Suffolk Hills has been recently investigated and discussed by the SHPOA Board of Directors. It is clear that over time, the legally described easements, as shown on the plat, and the actual easements, as established by utility truck drivers and other "users" of the easements, may not be the same. However, the following official dedication reflects the declaration which establishes conditions and restrictions for easements within the Suffolk Hills sub-division. This dedication has been a matter of official record since April 9, 1958 as follows:

   "We the undersigned owners of the land shown on this plat, do hereby consent to the subdivision of said land in the manner shown hereon, and hereby dedicate to the use of the public all streets, roads  and alleys as designated on this plat. All easements as shown are dedicated for the purpose of installation and maintenance of public utilities, together with an additional 5' aerial or overhead easement on each side of said alleys and easements for wires, cross-arms, etc., on power and pole lines, within the boundaries of the subdivision only.
   In addition to the above, all easements are herewith dedicated as drainageways, equestrian trails, pedestrian paths, and in accordance with the declaration of restrictions, community recreation areas, and shall remain in their natural state, and no obstruction shall be placed to inhibit said easements. Also, all natural drainageways and lines shall remain in their natural state and courses, except where shown hereon, and no drainageways shall be altered without the approval of the County Engineer."

The SHPOA Board of Directors suggests that each property owner consult their own plat diagram to ensure that the easement restrictions described for each property plat are understood by the owner. Out-buildings, block walls, and other constructions may have encroached the easement, thus creating "obstructions" which "inhibit said easement". The SHPOA Board strongly encourages each resident to make every effort to comply with the spirit of the official Suffolk Hills dedication which provides that the easements "shall remain in their natural state".

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  • Jopa New
  • Valued Neighbor
  • Port Hope, MI
  • 5 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Valued Neighbor

Easments are normally the 5-6' of land located near the front, sides and back of your property.  


Called an easment because either the County or Utillity Companies need the space to put their pipes or lines in - these space's are NOT meant to be used by the land owner so as NOT to obstruct any access for the county or utillity company to get to their water pipes, underground electric lines, cables, etc., etc.


Don't waste your time trying to get answers from the Board..  it's best to check with the counnty clerks office -- by asking for a copy of your communitie's platt, which shows EACH homeowners plot of Land & its True property lines with easements.

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