I received a warning letter about a box in my carport. It was behind my trash cans, not visible from the street unless you looked specifically for someting being there. Just so happens that whoever does "THE WALK", came around the day that our recycle can was at the curb for pick-up. This box was a TV box that we were holding on to for a short period of time in case we wanted to return the TV.
I am beginning to think that I am special because this is the third letter I have received for the exact same thing, only at different times. My neighbors have oil changing pans, jack stands, strollers, bikes 2 cars and a motorcycle in thier carport and they have yet to get a letter. The association is so worried about a box hidden behind my trash cans, but it's OK that my front lawn looks like KRAP since it was dug up to put a new drip system in. I have to listen to barking dogs all day and night because they say they have no control over anyones animals. We have to call Mesa Police to make a complaint. I'm tired of all the cats that pee all over my front door and my car. These are probably cats that have been left behind when people move out.
I sent 2 letters in response to our house passing paint inspection and I have yet to get a response back from them.
I could go on about other things, but I have better things to do.