I agree. It seems the more they get reported and being "called" and "sent letters to" it seems to be adding more to the fire.
I mean just right now, it's midnight and all I'm hearing outside is screaming kids, very loud music and racing cars outside. The later at night, the more they come out.
I don't seem to be noticing that there's not an adult figure over there, or at least the times I go check the mail, I look around. But all I see are those teens in the cars, or with the garage door open doing something.
I don't see why they are sending letters to people who have to work and can't cut the grass until the weekend. It's sad they don't understand people have to make a living too. Plus the heat in the afternoon after work hours is killer.
It makes me wonder if the people with the dead lawns even get notified. Like the house that has been causing the trouble.