Meeting with the board ...
Clandestine meetings? I think you might be watching to much TV.
Meeting with the board took a lot of preparation. Hard work. A team effort.
I have met with many open minded neighbors for the first time over the past couple weeks. Many positive suggestions came out of these meetings. These adults I met with understand that after 15 years, daddy developer, really is not such a good daddy.
By the way, the last time I had to get approval from anyone on anything I was 17. Will, your starting to remind me of my mother.
Anyway, chew on this for a while. This is the constructive group effort of about 10 residents. Funny how you've complained about ''trouble'' in the discussion area, but you yourself have yet to be constructive.
To the Directors/Officers of the Circle C Ranch Homeowners Association:
Ken Rigsbee,
Steve Bartlett,
Jim O?’Reilly,
We the undersigned request the Board accomplish the following prior to the Annual Meeting to be held on March 26, 2003:
1. Make a commitment to make every effort to reduce or eliminate the
increases in the annual assessments in the future by studying and adopting
new ways to raise the necessary funds for HOA activities.
2. Require, encourage and sponsor sealed bidding for selected services and
properties acquired by the CCHOA. Recognize that there are costs associated with competitive bids including preparation of Terms and Conditions, proposed Contracts, selection of Qualified Bidders, reference checking, Legal Counsel and that such bids should be preceded by an internal cost effectiveness study and opportunity for present providers to improve operations and reduce expenses, as applicable. Under no circumstance shall a provider of services to the CCHOA be affiliated with or related to a director or employee of the CCHOA board, any employee responsible for management of CCHOA, or with any person or entity affiliated with another provider of services to the CCHOA;
however, an exception to this prohibition can be made only if presented to, discussed with and voted on by a majority of a meeting of the residents. At this time, we envision that bids should be obtained for landscaping services, swimming pool maintenance, inspection/review, management, legal and accounting services.
3. Commit to establish an Ad Hoc Internal Operation Audit Committee composed of CCHOA members having related experience and not holding any CCHOA office to methodically review all operations and financials of the CCHOA with the objective of finding ways to reduce cost and to reduce any exposure to losses, waste, or abuse. This committee will coordinate with the CPA doing the financial audit to ensure all relevant areas of operations are surveyed and reported upon over a 12 month cycle. The Committee shall be voted on no later than at the next homeowners?’ meeting.
4. Establish a central location in which CCHOA members may view all documents required by By-laws to be open at all times during normal business hours. Promptly create a comprehensive library of these documents for all past
years. Provide a reading table, chairs with full access for all residents.
Establish a program to convert HOA documents to PDF or other readily
accessible files by scanning when necessary or converting from existing file structures on HOA computers when possible and make those documents available online to HOA members. Adopt a policy of complete disclosure of HOA documents to the members and make all documents part of the library, not just selected ones.
By Sal
Clandestine meetings? I think you might be watching to much TV.
Meeting with the board took a lot of preparation. Hard work. A team effort.
I have met with many open minded neighbors for the first time over the past couple weeks. Many positive suggestions came out of these meetings. These adults I met with understand that after 15 years, daddy developer, really is not such a good daddy.
By the way, the last time I had to get approval from anyone on anything I was 17. Will, your starting to remind me of my mother.
Anyway, chew on this for a while. This is the constructive group effort of about 10 residents. Funny how you've complained about ''trouble'' in the discussion area, but you yourself have yet to be constructive.
To the Directors/Officers of the Circle C Ranch Homeowners Association:
Ken Rigsbee,
Steve Bartlett,
Jim O?’Reilly,
We the undersigned request the Board accomplish the following prior to the Annual Meeting to be held on March 26, 2003:
1. Make a commitment to make every effort to reduce or eliminate the
increases in the annual assessments in the future by studying and adopting
new ways to raise the necessary funds for HOA activities.
2. Require, encourage and sponsor sealed bidding for selected services and
properties acquired by the CCHOA. Recognize that there are costs associated with competitive bids including preparation of Terms and Conditions, proposed Contracts, selection of Qualified Bidders, reference checking, Legal Counsel and that such bids should be preceded by an internal cost effectiveness study and opportunity for present providers to improve operations and reduce expenses, as applicable. Under no circumstance shall a provider of services to the CCHOA be affiliated with or related to a director or employee of the CCHOA board, any employee responsible for management of CCHOA, or with any person or entity affiliated with another provider of services to the CCHOA;
however, an exception to this prohibition can be made only if presented to, discussed with and voted on by a majority of a meeting of the residents. At this time, we envision that bids should be obtained for landscaping services, swimming pool maintenance, inspection/review, management, legal and accounting services.
3. Commit to establish an Ad Hoc Internal Operation Audit Committee composed of CCHOA members having related experience and not holding any CCHOA office to methodically review all operations and financials of the CCHOA with the objective of finding ways to reduce cost and to reduce any exposure to losses, waste, or abuse. This committee will coordinate with the CPA doing the financial audit to ensure all relevant areas of operations are surveyed and reported upon over a 12 month cycle. The Committee shall be voted on no later than at the next homeowners?’ meeting.
4. Establish a central location in which CCHOA members may view all documents required by By-laws to be open at all times during normal business hours. Promptly create a comprehensive library of these documents for all past
years. Provide a reading table, chairs with full access for all residents.
Establish a program to convert HOA documents to PDF or other readily
accessible files by scanning when necessary or converting from existing file structures on HOA computers when possible and make those documents available online to HOA members. Adopt a policy of complete disclosure of HOA documents to the members and make all documents part of the library, not just selected ones.
By Sal