Truth be told - email is easy
Email systems are fast and easy to set-up.
The crime is the childish choices the BOD make or threaten and then blame it all on the lawsuit.
The last three months that I tried to communicate with the bastards, all the did was politely ''forward my request to the law offices.....'' Well, at this point, communication is long past broken down, they have subverted it to baseless propaganda. Shameless promotion of the CCR swim team didn't make me feel any better about their choices and misguided leadership efforts.
This BOD has worn out it's welcome at the expense of all of us.
But, email is easy to set-up. Anyone with a server can do it. Chat sites are easy enough to include, too. Why hasn't CCHOA launched a twenth-century web site ? (.... because it's too easy to hang on the coat-tails of Gary Bradley ?)
Really, don't blame the piano player. The Dark Lords are living on borrowed time. Witness the nasty gram's, threats, and their outrageous reaction to a Texas State judges order, drafted by their own attorney's.
Good luck to Gary Bradley's Swim Team, too. One of these days you will have to start paying your own way, too! You have been living high at our expense and the good times are about over. It's going to come down to you paying for the pool or finding somewhere else to swim, because some of us are getting tired of subsiding your pool party (and your anonymous posts on this web site).
This BOD needs to leave and take Gary's swim team with them.