- imacsal
- Respected Neighbor
- 590 Posts
I just received this email from one of the many people who regularly attended the pool committee.
Interestingly enough, no one on the pool committee has ever seen or heard of either of these ladies. A few of us had a good idea that the
BOD was going to hand pick a few friends. We also doubt that any of us will be informed of any up-coming meetings.
- gheber
- Respected Neighbor
- 24 Posts
Thanks, Sal
I'm confused. If all parties agreed to X in mediation, why would party A renig? Can't the results of the mediation be enforced? By whom? Was a legally binding document not produced?
How are appointments to committee chairs made? Are they revokable? Can a new, more-fair board revoke these two appointees should their constituents determine that's the best course?
Where's our new director, Fennessey, on all this? Did he agree with the appointment of these two women?
whew. sorry for all the questions.
- imacsal
- Respected Neighbor
- 590 Posts
some answers
Some answers are in the ''Donald Abrams'' Thread from last week...please read ''The Truth''. It hold the facts on how the old board manipulated the mediation agreement, and by doing so breached that agreement.
Basically, the old board usually does not follow proper procedure, and they don't play fair. When one of the old board realized we found them pulling up signs - one of them said ''Politics is dirty''. They refused to follow Texas law and it cost us $100,000.00. They did not follow proper procedure and our Directors and Officers insurance and Liability insurance has been canceled. The info center has yet to respond to my questions about the insurance.
Since we are without insurance, our HOA dollars are vulnerable at this very moment.
The two women were appointed before Fennessey was elected. Don't forget, he is 1 out of 3, he's the minority.
- ls0909
- Respected Neighbor
- 420 Posts
D & O Insurance
Don?’t worry too much for not having liability insurance. Lawyers won?’t take the case to sue us if they know the Association has no D & O Insurance. Is that right? Lawyers?