4.Please rank the three things you like best about WMNA meetings, Using 1, 2, and 3.
I like many things about the association. There are many nice people to meet, but much is said but little is done. I tire of those who do not speak plainly, fearing to offend. Much has to be done in the Meadowbrook area and I have little concern for offending knuckle draggers who infest our neighborhoods.
5. Please select up to five topics that you would like to learn more about at WMNA meetings next year.
Moncrief and his sycophants need to be outed so that some positive direction may be taken on the eastside. Something must be done to assure that our neighborhoods are clear of gang crime, illegal immigrants, drugs, prostitution, and the host of issues that never seem to be resolved. I have no patience with those who would allow our neighborhoods de-evolve into barios infested with crime. I will not idly sit and allow my neighborhood to be overrun with human flotsam or be destroyed by Chesapeake. These are the topics I want addressed.
6. What other ideas, suggestions, or feedback do you have for the WMNA?
1. Rezone to restrict multiple family dwellings, rental properties, and so-called hotels and motels which attract social ills. 2. Strictly enforce curfew for minors with citizen patrol or gen-d'arme and the use of punitive measures to fine minors and their so-called parents for infraction of law. 3. Strict imposing of fines for any property owner or renter who breach code compliance issues. 4. The creation of building and property standards which would maintain the historic value of many older properties in the area. 5. Ensuring that all area parks are clearly posted with signage which would restrict night time traffic and illegal activity. Also the proper lighting of park areas to prohibit their use at night by gang members, prostitutes, drug dealers, etc.
6. Strict enforcement by TABC of "bars" and other associated businesses along Lancaster. I have personally witnessed the exchange of drugs, firearms, and personal services for money in the associated parking areas for these businesses along the Lancaster corridor from Handley to Beach.
7. The banning and forced spay and neutering of all pitbulls, pitbull mixes, and those who breed them in the city of Fort Worth.
8. Legislation and enforcement of law prohibiting noise pollution and residences, and vehicles associated with disturbing the peace.
9. The public dismembering of fingers and hands for taggers and those who scribble their puerile marks upon public places. I know this was a long shot but I just thought it had to be said. I believe there is a place and urgent need for draconian measure and public corporal punishment.
10. The banning of posted signs advertising public sale of property or garage sales.