West Prairie Village Neighborhood Watch

Impact Fees for Parks and School

Posted in: N Greenacres
We are desperately in need for funding for new schools and parks. The existing level of parks is 1.9 acres per 1,000 people. That actually equates to about a 8 by 10 room per person. This does not allow for all the new growth of 20,000 some people that are anticipated in the new city plan.
House Values just doubled - everyone is shocked at their new assessed value and shudders to even think what the tax increase will be. The class system seems to go on. Let the working class pay and the movers and shakers get a free ride. I'm concerned for the elderly and any family that cannot generate more money since taxes increase are eminent. The city will have such a serious shortfall there will not be anyway to hide it. They are playing possom with the community since they City Council are all up for reelection.
Is there anyone willing to run for council that is willing to be research based?
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