It would be interesting to know how many homeowners in the "legal" HOA sections of Northwood Hills actually paid their dues for the HOA? There seems to be an extreme lack of interest in having a HOA so I am wondering how many even know about the HOA and paid.
It would be interesting to know how many people in the Sections who are not legally included in the HOA paid and whose money is now being kept in a special account for a possible refund.
How much of our HOA money was paid to the lawyer who gave the HOA board members wrong information regarding Section C. There was also a question regarding Section D being excluded as well. Was the board given wrong information from the lawyer about that secion as well?
Since the majority of the "common area" is in Section C and Section C is not included in the HOA then by what authority are we taking care of their property.
We are not talking about a handful of homeowners who are legally not included in the HOA. We are talking about nearly half of the subdivision.
I think the HOA needs to take a new vote and give the homeowners accurate information prior to voting.
The way the voting was handled was extremely unfair and since the homeowners out here were given inaccurate information prior to and at the meeting the HOA should be put in limbo status until such time as all legal issues are resolved and all homeowners are notified. All dues should be returned to the homeowners who did pay. Everyone who lives in this subdivision should be subject to the same legal ramifications for not following the "rules" and not just a few.
You can delete posts and you can delete this message board but the facts remain that the homeowners were not told the truth and the HOA is unfair in this mess of a subdivision. If "not telling the truth" is not lying then so be it.
When the HOA board learned the truth it should have been conveyed to all the people who paid dues out here. Why not post a sign out here with the newsletter in a brochure box since you are worried about stamps and let everyone know what is going on. Many people do not have computers.
Please do address the fact that Section C and possibly Section D common areas ARE NOT included in the HOA so there is no legal basis by which the legal HOA homeowners should be paying for the upkeep of the land behind their homes.