Woodcrest Neighborhood Civic Association, Inc.

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Welcome to Woodcrest

The Woodcrest Neighborhood Civic Association is a group of property owning and renting residents and business owners who live and operate in the defined boundaries, who seek to create and maintain a safe and livable neighborhood for all its residents.

We strive to create and maintain a safe and livable neighborhood by:

Being aware of and taking action on detrimental or dangerous activities (criminal, environmental, etc)

Lobbying the proper agency, department or organization to guarantee representation for city services and benefits,

Being a reliable resource for civic information and,

Encouraging resident and business connections and cooperation.

The Woodcrest Neighborhood Civic Association (WNCA) was founded in 1991 as a State chartered non-profit civic association representing the residents of Woodcrest.

Woodcrest is comprised of Woodcrest Annex, Adam Clay 2, and Hopper, along with portions of the Conklin and Cottage Grove subdivisions. Woodcrest is located North of Washington Avenue and bounded by T C Jester on the East, Washington Avenue on the South and West, and the Union Pacific right-of-way.

Woodcrest is currently located in City Council district C.


WNCA is one of the ten constituent neighborhood groups represented by the Super Neighborhood 22 Council.



The Woodcrest Neighborhood Civic Association is a proud participant in the Washington-on-Westcott Roundabout Initiative. A public-private partnership with the City of Houston.



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Train Noise

I am closing on a home in a couple of weeks. It's about a block from the tracks. Could someone tell me just how bad the train noise is? I hear the horn is very loud. I also hear that they are working... more
Started: February 9th 2010Replies: 2

Lost & Found Pets

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Started: April 2nd 2013Replies: 0

Vote For Metro Referendum

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Tags: AssociationLegal
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