Renegotiating Technology Services in a Recession


You need to renegotiate your service costs with all of your technology providers.  Most technology companies are hemorrhaging customers. 

The recession is hitting tech companies exceptionally hard and customer retention is a primary goal.  Their customer service representatives are being trained in how to negotiate with customers to save them money and keep their business.

Follow The Example of Corporate America

Many large American companies have instructed their mid-level managers not to purchase any more technology services at current prices.  These companies understand the current climate, and they know that their technology suppliers are going to be forced to renogiciate or lose their business.  You can save money by giving the same instruction to yourself.  Do not continue to pay for any technology services at the current rates.  Note: There are always exceptions to a rule like this so understand the spirit of the rule without getting hung up in the letter of the rule.

You can certainly call a company and simply threaten to cancel your business.  This will send them into retention mode and you can usually negotiate for better services or even in a reduction of the fee for your current services.  They will often offer free months of service or recurring discounts on service. 

However, if this option strikes you as confrontational or dishonest you can also try a more open discussion.  Most of the large firms have trained customer services representatives to respond to the customer question "I'm looking to cut back my monthly expenses, how can you help?"  They sometimes have surprising options that are not generally advertised that allow for savings on monthly services. 

Comparison Shop

It's important to learn about the specific technology industry in which you are trying to renegotiate.  Understanding the industry will help as you negotiate with your providers.

Call your current provider and ask them to quote their best pricing packages to you.  Then call the same company again and ask the same question.  Consumer Reports National Research Center has reported that different representatives from the same company quote different rates.  You want to make sure that you understand the current pricing structure.

Call your providers competitors.  Ask these companies about their pricing structure and also about any sign on bonus or rebate that you might qualify for by switching from your current provider.  The switching provider rebate is common in the tech service industry. 

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