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State Information: NEW MEXICO

Welcome to New Mexico! Looking for local information? Take in hometown perspectives from individual neighborhood and HOA websites. Participate in community discussions, get instant real estate values, and view some great photos of New Mexico. Explore a map of New Mexico, learn about local schools, and review regional sex offender information. Find more resources with nearby cities and counties, and a list of New Mexico zip codes. Want to connect with your community? Set up a free HOA or neighborhood website now!

New Mexico Profile

In 1540, the Spanish conquistador Coronado trekked through the area known today as New Mexico in search of the fabled seven cities of gold. New Mexico, called the "Land of Enchantment," was the 47th state, entering the Union in 1912. Part of the "Old West," New Mexico was a place known for cowboys and cattle drives. The influence of the Apache Indians who live there is evident in the artwork and culture. The Pueblo Indian presence is also very apparent, most visibly in the tribe's buildings. The state also has a large Hispanic population, as New Mexico was under Spanish control from the 16th century until about 1846. The capital city of Santa Fe, founded in 1610, has the oldest continually used seat of government in North America. The state flower is the yucca ...Read more here: New Mexico - The Land of Enchantment

Capital City:
Santa Fe
Land of Enchantment
Crescit Eundo (It Grows As It Goes)
January 6, 1912 (47th)
Origin of State's Name:
Named by the Spanish for lands north of the Rio Grande River.
Largest Cities:
Albuquerque, Las Cruces, Santa Fe, Rio Rancho, Roswell
Border States:
Arizona, Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah
Land Area:
121,359 sq. mi., 5th largest
State Bird:
State Flower:
Yucca Flower (yucca glauca)
State Tree:
Piñon (pinus edulis)
State Songs:
O, Fair New Mexico Asi es Nuevo Mejico

Featured Discussions

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I would love to see the San Francisco/Holbrook intersection opened up to Coronado to relieve traffic going through the... more

Started: July 29th 2003

 Looking for a cab service near you? You’re in luck. With the advent of modern technology, it is now easier with... more

Started: October 6th 2023

COMMUNITY MEETING FOR CITY OF WHITTIER VOTERS     We will be having a meeting to discuss reform through direct voter... more

Started: May 2nd 2023

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New Mexico Schools

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Browse all 927 Schools in New Mexico

Elementary Schools

Red Rock Elementary
(505) 722-3177
1305 Red Rock Drive
Gallup, NM 87301
Ece Center
(505) 885-5570
1801 W. Lea
Carlsbad, NM 88220

Middle Schools

James Monroe Middle
(505) 897-0101
6100 Paradise Blvd. Nw
Albuquerque, NM 87114
La Luz Del Monte Lc
(505) 296-7677
8100 M 4 Wyoming Ne
Albuquerque, NM 87113

High Schools

Chrysalis Altern.
(505) 751-7291
205 Don Fernando Rd.
Taos, NM 87571
Santa Fe Indian School
(505) 989-6302
P.O. Box 5340
Santa Fe, NM 87501

Sex Offender Information for New Mexico

For most citizens, the easiest method to obtain accurate and timely sex offender information for their local area is to visit their state sex offender registry website. States are required to provide this information for free. You do not need to pay for this information.

In New Mexico, the registered sex offenders can be found at http://www.nmsexoffender.dps.state.nm.us/servlet/hit_serv.class. Please be sure to read all the disclaimers provided by the state.

For more information check out the resources listed below:

Map of New Mexico

New Mexico Links

Zip Code Profiler

Neighborhoods, Home Values, Schools, City & State Data, Sex Offender Lists, more.

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