Barristers Place Community Assn.

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Barristers Place Welcome

 Winter December 2013 Newsletter is in the Pages and Links Section

August 2017 Newsletter with Proxy is in the Pages and Links section


Attention Realtors and Prospective Homeowners


 Documents needed for Real Estate Settlements are

located on the “Pages and Links” page of this website. Please click

on "more" to see the entire "pages and links" page.


Summer is ending and Autumn is beginning


Hey neighbors!  We wanted to provide an update of what is

going on within the community.


We hope everyone enjoyed their summer but with that coming

to an end it also means schools will be starting.  PLEASE be

aware of the kids and bus stops within the community.  Drive

slowly and make the roads safe for the young ones.  Also, make

sure your sidewalks are clear and debris or hazards so the kids

and other residents may enjoy them.


Residents are reminded that junk, debris, carboard, hardware,

lumber, bags of trash MUST be placed in the rea of the property.

Fairfax County states any debris "must be put in the rear of the

property.  They also must be screened from view from the first

story of nearby homes".


Important Dates:

                          Labor Day Semptember 4th

                          Dont forget every Saturday 8am-12pm is the

Vienna Farmers Market at Faith Baptist Church.

                          Grand Re-opening of the Vienna Community

Center Saturday September 23rd 1-5pm.

                          Cox Farms Fall Fest September 16th and 17th.




A friendly reminder about keeping our community clean and

pretty.  Barristers Place is a nice sought after community to live

in and we want to keep it that way.  Below are a couple ways

to keep Barristers bright and beautiful.  


Yard – Please keep your yard well maintained and cut.  It’s

against County regulations to have grass at a height of 12 inches

or more per Fairfax County regulations.   A rule of thumb is to

have your grass cut once it reaches 3 inches. 


Tree & Bush Trimming – It is encouraged that residents routinely

maintain and trim bushes and trees.


Exterior – Broken windows, falling gutters and missing siding are

common issues to the exterior.  Residents should conduct periodic

reviews of the exterior to prevent these issues.  Power/soft

washing is a nice service to use every couple of years in order

to clean the exterior. 


Sidewalks – Residents should keep sidewalks in front and in

back of their properties clear and clean of debris, so residents

can enjoy the sidewalks for walking, running and biking. 


Junk or Debris – Residents are asked to keep debris and junk

out of the front yard.  Fairfax County states that any debris “must

be put in the rear of the property.  They also must be screened from

view from the first-story window of nearby homes”. 


Trash – Trash cans should not be placed out on curb prior to 4pm the

day before pick-up.  If trash is left at the curb for more than 10 days,

call the Health Department at 703-246-2300, TTY 711.

For more information, call the Department of Code Compliance,

703-324-1300, TTY 711.  Or go to



Contact information for Ms Hudgins, our Fairfax

County Supervisor

Hunter Mill e-mailbox, Facebook page

(, and telephone (703-478-0283) 

The most current newsletter is available at :

 web site is:


Contact information for Ken Plum: our VA House of Delgates

representative for the 36th District


Things to Do -Volunteer opportunities


Check out the BPCA  Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

 Special Pickups

Fairfax County information on special pickups and disposing of

yard debris is located in our “pages” section under “Trash”

There are links to the FC website as well as phone numbers for





Your Barristers Place Board 



PO Box 1192

Vienna, VA  22183



Questions or comments? Please contact us at


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Barrister's By-Laws?

Just a suggestion, but how about posting the Association's by-laws on this site as a reference when we need to check on something? I'm sure many of us have lost our copy, esp. if we've owned our home... more
Started: April 6th 2007Replies: 4

Traffic on Abottsford and Center

Any ideas about dealing with the numbers of cars that cut through our neighborhood? I have noticed lots of children waiting for school buses. It seems as if our neighborhood has been blessed with a a... more
Started: March 4th 2013Replies: 0

Great News regarding Barristers Place Traffic...

The last thing I wanted was another stop sign. I was very pleased to read that the traffic calming committee is recommending a speed hump (which one can drive over at 20-25 mph) rather than a... more
Started: September 1st 2009Replies: 5

Barristers Place Community Assn. Real Estate and Home Values

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