Town of Braintree

Heres an Idea

Posted in: Braintree
Just as I thought

Too scared.Just because I'm a Town Employee doesnt mean I work for you. Your an idiot.So as a resident do I work for myself? Name and place of employment please...with your thinking, You may work for me.

Have a nice day

By Town Employee
Mudwhistle do you people make

a remedy for severe headaches caused by trying to have an intelligent conversation with a sidewalk brick?

By Where do we find these people
Town Employee

your reasoning is skewed. And by the way, what is your name? If you have a problem with the value you are getting from Home Depot by all means go to their web site or corporate and complain. You don't have to know who works there to do that. You have every right to do just that and you should. Just as we taxpayers, footing the bill to float this town, have every right to discuss the reasons we feel our vessel is listing. Whether you like it or not the taxpayers do contribute to your salary, and you get more for your buck because you take a percentage of your taxes home. And I don't think anyone begrudges you that. You give an honest days work you deserve an honest days pay. No one is answering the difficult questions, too many want to go off on irrelevant tangents. So if we have problems with our town departments why shouldn't we discuss these issues? There is a problem at BELD don't you think? How many other town employees got a bonus this year? There is a problem with the School Dept. How many other departments are siphening off department funds for raises? How many other departments are even awarded raises when the money isn't present to support them? The problems in this town are so serious that they should probably be investigated by an outside entity. So please, stop trying to derail these conversations and rather demand answers. If a teacher says he got a l% raise this year, insist he tell you what percent his salary increased this year. If BELD tells you they gave bonuses rather than longevity payments, insist they tell you if they could have legally given a longevity payment. A lot of questions asked on this site, but only a couple of people have stepped up to answer with facts.

By a resident
when this occurs the remedy

usually is prescribed by our 70 year old
country doctor 'old Hickory is a natural herb mixed with honey molasses
that cures everything from the common cold to dandruff.his wife is an old country bumpkin like the rest of us.
remember Country don't mean dumb.not
nowadays anyhoo.

By the other smith brother
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