do i detect a sense of humour
surrounded by an intelligent thought?
very well said.part of being facetious
in these matters is to determine whether visitors here actually Care and/or participate in civic matters or just complaint about their inequities
thank you for the diligence and the sense of humour required when things don't go our way.
Another job.
There will be another ''groundhog'' day when Town Meeting gets the new teachers contract. They will debate for hours, never get to the meat of the contract, won't be able to figure out where the money is coming from, and pass it. Then some other union will step up asking for a much smaller raise and will get their doors knocked off. Everyone is afraid of the Teachers. Maybe town meeting will decide to increase the trash fee to help supplement the teachers raise. Oh never mind, they already did that. Taxation without representation is alive and well in Braintree. By the way, all employees have step raises. I am sure you get them up to a certain point. Do the other unions in Braintree get educational monies? Do they have to work a full year? Do they have to cover holidays and weekends? Do they get vacation pay after putting in only 182 days? the suffering goes on and on.
oh my gosh!
it is you! the cadence of your writing sounded so familier to me. in response to me it has always been a zing tempered with a velvet glove. i'm here beating batter, mixing a stuffing concoction and all the time wondering where have i heard that tone before; could it be a kinder, gentler him? see, i am always asking questions. you drove me so mad that i had to go back in the posts. there you were, tho. enjoyed your posts then and still get a boot out of trying to decipher your double entendres. tough to fool granny tho, but then you know that.
oh i like that anon
and i somewhat agree. ''taxation without representation.'' often seems like most of our reps sign in at town meeting and then look for the quickest route out. very few present questions or offer comments, and those that do are chastised. why do they sign on if only to warm a seat and offer their unsubstantiated yeas and nays? one rep in my district is a constant no-show, keeps getting voted back in, why?, because of his 'family's name. that's a sound qualifier, right? reduce the numbers and make them accountable.