Why not, THO?
I am not suggesting that we raise taxes to provide more services but it has been well documented what the schools have done to the budgets over the past years and it is about time that someone fights back.
I agree that we should be able to live within our budget amount and that would mean no raises for anyone this year. I believe that schools are giving a 1% increase this year. As elected leaders, doesn't the school committee have a responsibility to the entire town?
As I sit in the peanut gallery, I will consider a responsible budget that addresses the needs of our community and treats them all fairly.
As far as one group NOT being more important than another? From my view, I have never seen the schools consider anyone other than themselves when it comes budget time and I think the Selectmen are doing the right thing to raise awareness to the public safety issues that the town is experiencing.
You have documented the runaway budget increases that the schools have received over the years which is a direct result of people pushing their weight around at FinCom and Town Meetings.
By voter
I am not suggesting that we raise taxes to provide more services but it has been well documented what the schools have done to the budgets over the past years and it is about time that someone fights back.
I agree that we should be able to live within our budget amount and that would mean no raises for anyone this year. I believe that schools are giving a 1% increase this year. As elected leaders, doesn't the school committee have a responsibility to the entire town?
As I sit in the peanut gallery, I will consider a responsible budget that addresses the needs of our community and treats them all fairly.
As far as one group NOT being more important than another? From my view, I have never seen the schools consider anyone other than themselves when it comes budget time and I think the Selectmen are doing the right thing to raise awareness to the public safety issues that the town is experiencing.
You have documented the runaway budget increases that the schools have received over the years which is a direct result of people pushing their weight around at FinCom and Town Meetings.
By voter