Real Manage

Posted in: Towne Lake Garden

I am confused by the post about RealManage straightening out the books.  I had minutes in which the Board at the time voted to NOT have audits as required by Texas law and our Declaration of CC&R because RealManage could not do the bookkeeping required.  The previous manager (Sonya) had the records taken from her by the BOD president and was denied time to bring the bookkeeping up to date. 

1. It wasn't Real Manage. It was the company that was hired after Sonia that straightened out the books

2. The Audits that were  done by Sonia as required, were only cursory reviews by a bookkeeper that she hired. And left much to be desired.  The books were a mess and a better part of the summer was spent rebuilding our accounts.

3. Remember Real Manage bought out the company that was initially used by the board. That former company no longer exist. We are dealing with Real Manage.

4. Audits (as required) have been sketchy and questionable. Since the 5 years that "new" boards (after Sonia) took over, you can request all financial records and see that everything is up to date.

5. Towne Lakers, it easy to see to bring up the past and blame "the board".  But several years ago I could not even name a board member, president, etc.   and that was because it was always changing because of  inner conflicts. (see prior messages) Boards literally came and went, along with rules, minutes, regulations etc.   So it is possible that you may have minutes from some"Board". But I willing to bet that not from the past 5 years.


6. I request that every Towne Lake member if they have a chance go to the Home owner presidents meeting that happen every few months or so at the Tool Yard

7What you can find out is  which management companies are working for their neighborhoods    But, I can guarantee. There is not one company that is perfect.

8. It took a long time for those other companies to even consider Towne Lake as a client. We had a very poor reputation. Some companies just flat out refused to deal with us. After 3 years and the books were straightened out and on a better fiscal standing. Those same companies were at our doorstep outbidding each other for our business.  

9.  Remember TL that if you want to switch to a new company it is not a cheap process or one to be taken lightly. It requires involvement of a committee that is willing to look at all offers and bids and weigh the pros and cons of each company. It's not like switching phone companies. 

10.   It's a matter of getting involved, talking with others, daring to contribute to this forum, standing up and making yourself heard at the board meetings.  Change can happen. I for one have contributed to this change in a small way with this website.  Let's hear from others and see what they have to say!


Remember "Community is Communication"

I'm sure glad you straightened me out on a number of things.  I now know that Board minutes don't mean anything.   But I'm still confused.  If we have management companies at our doorstep outbidding each other for our business, why are we stuck with RealManage?  Why did we miss a deadline for filing that report with the Secretary of State and have to pay a substantial fine?  Several years ago, a couple older women were cutting grass in the common area when the BOD was spending money on a disk jockey,  pool parties, and bylaws that weren't even proofed.  I naively thought we were broke because of the street fiasco!  Audits?  I have copies of several; also copies of bids by CPAs.  But none after Sonya was booted.   I have requested copies of the recent "audits" twice and received nothing.  Perhaps my communications lacked community.  I will have to work on developing that trait so I can tell people what to do and/or imply they are uninformed.   Question:  Why does a newcomer to the pool think he's the only one in the water?


You can also include spending money on frivilous crepe myrtles etc, settling 3 lawsuits on our HOA, and knowing that when ever i asked or anyone else(that I know of) asked for information on minutes, budget and bylaws, I was always and I mean always been given the information by Real Manage or the prior management company. Before that it was not that easy. (due to very poor record keeping)

But, Secretary of State? come on ?  Just look back at all the messages and forums on this website and not once has that ever been even mentioned? Its the first I ever heard of it  and it's coming just from just you....? 

I know this community and the followers of this site would have had a huge discussions over some fine. ( case in point the gates and cameras)

Lets also realize that we are now "finacially sound" and have our books straight.

And they show the good and bad!

If folks want to change management companies, let them get a petition started ,go before the community and the board and demand this.

But to bring out "random facts" that our out of sequence, without all the details from the questionable past just to "rationalize" an argument? Come on now!  

By the way I miss those parties that our association used to have. We now just get together for NNO and that had a very poor turnout last year. Communities such as ours need to form bonds of communication and cammaderie by having fun events.

I have met and become good friends with lots of neighbors at TL. at these get togethers. I am sure that the yea sayers for  a return to our gatherings greatly outway the naysayers.

TLW as Always "Communication is Community"Smile

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