We will all 'leave' this neighborhood at some time. I hope we all want to leave it a better place.
My intention to start this discussion was to 'brain storm'. It may or may not be the time or place to 'flesh out' ideas or parse words. I hope that we can put our thinking caps on and 'help out' the committee by overwhelming them with ideas.
But referring briefly to previous comments, i've recently heard of a new wind turbine coming into production, residential scale, that is rated to max performance in 2 mph. The most common breezes we have here are di-urnal (morning and evening), they are light but usually greater than 2 mph. The turbines could be cost effective afterall! And solar energy options will continue to evolve.
I think the committee may propose some kind of layered matrix of resources and manpower to organize the ideas. Or maybe a simple prioritized listing based on where the residents point. So the more ideas the better.