
kinda funny

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when I read some of these post.

Ok a planner is a fancy name for a notebook that students use to write notes concerning assignments and other school related activities. It is nothing more nothing less. As far as a student getting punished for forgetting it... What are you saying that a teacher cannot make rules for our students to follow? My kids still use a planner, I still read it ALMOST everyday and when they forget it or do not have me sign it they have to abide by the rules set forth by the teacher. I personally find that a very good way to install accountabilty and responsibilty in my children. By not interferring on that whole process my children have learned to respect authority.

As far as bullying goes I have found that when the facts are presented to the school things change. The school cannot fix what it does not know is happening. I am very happy with the way that the Muscatine School system handles bullies. Now that may on change because both my kids have different principles this year than what they had last year. So I will play a wait and see before I pass judgement on our new principles.

How many people here that are unhappy with the MCSS voted for the board members? How many take an active role in the schooling of your children. I don't mean just when little Johnny gets in trouble and you go to school and raise CAIN.

Well that is enough hope you all have a nice day.
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fine you have had good luck in teaching your children responsibility by training them that they are not allowed one time of being a forgetful human and will face all consequences that each individual teacher decides to hand out. It changes from class to class. My entire point was detentions should be reserved for harsher issues. I have no problem with an extra book report or assignment. As for the bullying, the school IS aware about it, it has been brought up before and not a lot has been done. That is why we as parents are acting and standing up for our kids. Yes, I do vote and yes I involve myself in every function at the school, I volunteer many hours, and am always the first parent teachers call. So raising cain where cain needs to be raised is not just being a thorn.
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what determines Harsher issues? Is namecalling harsher than hitting? Is hitting harsher than being threatened. Is failing to do the asigned work in school harsher than talking during quite time?

Who determines it? The teacher does.

Unless of course we get togather and come to a 100% agreement on how each individual case will be invovled. Think that will happen?

This maybe a shocker to everyone here but in the real world life is'nt fair. So we all need to learn now that we need to be responsible and accountable for our own actions. Most importantly we need to respect authority.

AS far as the bullying goes you say the school has done something but not alot. How do you know? The kid who is bullying has a learned trait. Hard to break them of that habit in the 3 weeks that school has been in session. The parents probably don't give a rats arse. Some how in their mind it is the victims fault not their little bully. I guess this issue hit's a little closer to home with me because of a bullying incident at my kids school last year. Took about 4 to 5 weeks to fix after I learned about it and it was going on before that.

I got one for all of you here. Our Muskie footaball team has three player that got suspended. 2 of them missed one game. The other is missing 4 games. One incident was because of an F in a class. The other was possession of alcohol by a minor.

The possession resulted in a one game suspension while the F resulted in a four game suspension. What is the message we are sending here???

It is OK to break the law? We will slap you on the wrist with a measly one game suspension. I think that is bull crap

So you tell me which deserves the harsher punishment.
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A school needs to be run somewhat like a business. Continuity. If Junion forgets his planner in math the punishment should be exactly the same as if he missed it in band. As for the student with alcohol. Not only against the law but extreem bad health.This student needed to compleet a a dependency class directed at minors. I know these programs are out there. It needed to be found. The F should not be a determed amount of time but a determend amount of accomplishment.
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