How we gonna keep anyone here? Attract jobs? How we gonna attract new industries here when they all want to open in China or Mexico? No matter how many tax breaks we give 'em, they still have to pay wages. no one I know will work for fifty cents a day. Why build more entertainment facilities when fewer people have less money to spend on entertainment? If young'uns want to leave, let 'em go. It's about the same everywhere. Join the military. They need you and combat pay adds up if you are single.
How we gonna keep anyone here? Attract jobs? How we gonna attract new industries here when they all want to open in China or Mexico? No matter how many tax breaks we give 'em, they still have to pay wages. no one I know will work for fifty cents a day. Why build more entertainment facilities when fewer people have less money to spend on entertainment? If young'uns want to leave, let 'em go. It's about the same everywhere. Join the military. They need you and combat pay adds up if you are single.