Pardon me if I ramble a little here, but I think I hit my head when I fell off my chair. I was reading the article in This Week last night when I came upon the quote from the always press-worthy Lisa Reade. Her ''we need to get a gauge of understanding what levy the voters will support'' was a triffle stunning to say the least.
Okay school board, one more time... why aren't you people listening??? We have said NO and you still don't know why??? Am I the only one here that finds this almost criminally stupid??? To think that we are paying these people to run this school district is frightening to say the least.
But wait, it gets better! We've said NO to two elementary schools over and over but now we have Mr Brinke thinking the time is ripe to suggest that we vote for more buildings as well. Surely you must be joking.
I'm stunned at the behavior of these lunatics. Pass the Tylenol... they're giving me a headache.
By Central Mom
Great to hear from you again. Sorry for the head injury and I can commiserate. As I sat hunched over the paper at the kitchen table looking for what lunacy Reade spewed this week, it gave me such a start that I sat up too quickly and got mild whiplash. So let me adjust my cervical collar and write down what I think.
First, Reade is certifiably insane. This is my official diagnosis as Doctor Central Dad, DVM. You may think ?“What does a veterinarian know about insanity??” Well let me tell you, I have seen dogs frothing at the mouth before and this woman is frothing. She suffers from the same delusions as that Riggs woman who used to be president of your city council. She was so needy and insecure that she must have counted quotes in the papers. I think that you reach a point in your delusions that you are so hungry for attention and quotes that you will say absolutely anything to get ink. Heck, Reade probably calls the reporters and gives them the quotes before being asked any questions. I have to wonder if this Sean Casey and Charlie Roduta from the Dispatch can keep a straight face around her.
OK, enough Reade-bashing. Maybe I?’ll reply to this anonymously and do some more ?– just kidding?…
She is sending out this survey to gauge the pulse of the district. She is sending this survey to 400 district residents! Let me repeat that ?– 400! This is as stupid as the city sending a survey to one in four residents asking what they thought. What do you think the results will prove? Let?’s analyze that, shall we? If I put myself in her shoes (No cross-dressing cracks there, Mom) what would I ask and who would I ask? Well, if I want 2 new elementary schools I ask ?“Do you think we need to build new elementary schools??” and send it to 200 residents whose kids attend Pick Elem and Tussing. Then I go to the press and say ?“SEE, I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG!! EVERYONE WANTS NEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS!!?”
If I want 2 elementary schools and a middle school, I ask ?“Do you blah, blah?” and send it to 150 Pick Elem, 150 Tussing and 100 poor saps whose kids got punished with the doomed Heritage experiment. THEN I can say ?“SEE, I WAS RIGHT?….?”
Further analysis using the same analytical technique a former poster used with the stupid city survey. If the typical average of 7% of the survey-ees respond, you have a working number of 28. So the decisions made from this point forward in the mighty Pickerington Local School District will be base on the responses of 28 people. No matter what we, as taxpayers and in some cases intelligent people say, Reade will wave the survey responses of 28 people in our face and say ?“THIS IS WHAT THE VOTERS SAID THEY WANT!!?” Just like the stupid facilities report. ?“THIS IS WHAT THE MIGHY REPORT SAYS WE NEED!!?”
In other words, a survey of 400 district residents will tell you squat. Who the heck is this crazed woman listening to to spew this drivel? Does she think it up all on her own? Wait, back the truck up, let me propose sending the survey to who she said, as quoted, and not who she probably meant. I?’ve got Mr. and Mrs. Retiree living at the same residence, that?’s 2, I?’ve got my house: me, the better half and three kids, that?’s 5, Central Mom?’s house with her, her better half and how many kids? The numbers add up fast.
Trust me, theres' more....
By Central Dad
Symptoms of caffiene ovedose
By the way, yes, I do take my caffeine intravenously. I am just getting warmed up. A friend of my better half works in the school administration. Get this, they FIRED their public relations lady. DOES IT SHOW??? Duh! What a difference a day makes. For several months we get informed, articulate and pertinent communications from the district probably influencing my change of heart and vote. Now all we get are Reade quotes and surveys. At least when Reade?’s quotes were being written for her they made some sense and the underlying insanity was hidden.
Mom, you are NOT the only one who finds the school board?’s actions criminally stupid. I think they should be glued together and placed on a flatcar and railroaded out of town. The whole bunch. Know why? Because none of the rest of them will take the time to call the reporters and say, ?“The views and opinions of Mrs. Reade seldom reflect the views and opinions of the sane members of this board.?” At least have the courage to come out of the closet and tell us you are not insane or stupid.
Contrary to my early predictions last election and contrary to what Mrs. Central Dad believes (but she doesn?’t read this claptrap anyway), I did vote for the last levy. OK, I caved so shoot me. I thought that if it passed and these board baboons finally shut the hell up for a few minutes and quit threatening me and my kids that the next time they came back with a levy, which I assumed would be the next possible elections cycle, they would be so publicly ostracized that they would have no option but to resign in disgrace and move from the district. I was hoping beyond hope that they would be so overconfident as to go to the expense of another levy campaign and cost of a special election only to lose 90%-10% or in my perfect world, 100-0.
I am sick of Lisa Reade, I am sick of the school board and I am sick of talking about it. Let?’s take the ?‘sometimes-lucid?’ Mr. Brink?’s advice to the nth degree. Let?’s look at this stupid facility review committee report and whatever the final tally is for the total number of schools needed by say, the year 2100 and run a levy to build them all RIGHT NOW. Let?’s also predict the operating expenses for all of them, add a 100% inflation rate and run that levy RIGHT NOW. In other words, shoot me in the head. Stop wasting ammo shooting me in the feet, knees, hands, arms?…?… Get it over with.
Remember Mom, no one wants to be on school board except Reade and Sanders. Sanders won?’t open her mouth to say ?“Were Sigman, Carlier and me all that bad???” Go ahead Lori, rub our noses in it. We deserve it. No one wants to be on school board because no one showed up to be elected. No one cares to be on the receiving end of crap like this I am writing down. No one wants to be on school board because no one can escape the fact that their only job will be to run levy after levy after levy instead of running a large business and educating children. OK, I get it. How about just running them each and every possible election cycle and I?’ll vote. But in the mean time, JUST SHUT UP! I know what you are going to say anyway. NOTHING you say will influence my vote one way or the other.
Wow, I thought I only had a caffeine problem but I must have taken Mrs. Dad?’s anger pill instead of my vitamin this morning. Perhaps it?’s time to listen to myself and JUST SHUT UP!
Signing off.
By Central Dad
Lost that bet
Thanks Dad, you just cost me five dollars. I made a bet that the first response to my posting would be someone with the same old tired drivel of ''if you're so smart, why didn't you run for school board''.
Oh well... at least that five bucks didn't go to cheap booze or cigarettes. Since I've ventured upon the wagering tact, what say we make a bet of the next tactic our illustrious school board uses to get their levy passed. I actually heard this come up several nights ago among other Central parents.
I bet that if this levy fails (remember that it is a BUILDING levy) the next threat we get is that the school board throws increased pay to play fees or cuts to sports, bands and extra-curriculars. Wanna bet? How about you, Lisa... I know for a fact that you read these postings.
I'll even consider going double or nothing that they threaten to exceed the the $400 fess that Lancaster got slammed with. Any takers?
By Central Mom