As we enter into another football season I see the stands at Central ''Tiger'' Stadium are packed again this year and seating is limited. The initial crowd was over flowing into the surrounding parking lots and now the school board puts up a d--- screen to keep those from outside the stadium from seeing the game. I will bet that if you complained to any board member they would deny there is a difference in the facilities. Isn't it about time we had some representation of Central on the school board? Apparently there is plenty of room at north and they never even got their new uniforms dirty. By half time the majority of the fans have left. So I guess you could say that over half the crowd come there to see the band.
Central is represented
I don't know why you believe Central doesn't have representation on the board. You don't have to live in the city limits to be within Central's boundaries. I live in the township and my kids go/will go to Central.
As for the screen, perhaps there's another reason for installing it besides preventing nonpaying spectators.
Way to go Tigers!
More tickets new uniforms
Perhaps, just perhaps if the stadiums were EQUAL then they would have enough room to accommodate the crowds. Instead of a screen, maybe blocking the outside spectators with an appropriate amount of bleachers for the paying spectators to see the game. The Tiger stadium sits in a hole and driving down the Columbus street the entire field can be seen. With so few bleachers available most of the field is visible from adjacent properties. Maybe if the board would stop their denial and spend the money they promised to make the fields equal and stop wasting our money on 7/8 of a track and now screening to hide the field they would have enough money to build a new field that only the paying spectators could see the action. Maybe just maybe the Central football team could afford new uniforms every four years because they could sell MORE TICKETS!!!!
You do know there is no law preventing you from building your own stadium and then leasing it or donating it to the PLSD. You could do it yourselves, but then that would require more work than just complaining, I suppose.
By Any Mouse