Interest Rates
You can buy an existing Township home for under $200K or close to it.
The BIA has stated they are building homes in the Community Authority for an average of $200K - do you believe that Realtor?
What I do know is that George's Creek covered up the portion of their sign that states ''from the $140's'' I don't think that's how you build a $200K home - say you are & do something different. Sheffield is from the $160's, Fox Glen is from the $180's, Sycamore Creek is in the $160's - how does that average the $200K homes they talk about.
What it tells me is they aren't credible & to take what they tell you with a grain of salt. Will the builders put ''Pickerington Schools - now with NO Extra Curriculars'' on their signs to attract new buyers?
By Banker
You can buy an existing Township home for under $200K or close to it.
The BIA has stated they are building homes in the Community Authority for an average of $200K - do you believe that Realtor?
What I do know is that George's Creek covered up the portion of their sign that states ''from the $140's'' I don't think that's how you build a $200K home - say you are & do something different. Sheffield is from the $160's, Fox Glen is from the $180's, Sycamore Creek is in the $160's - how does that average the $200K homes they talk about.
What it tells me is they aren't credible & to take what they tell you with a grain of salt. Will the builders put ''Pickerington Schools - now with NO Extra Curriculars'' on their signs to attract new buyers?
By Banker