Regent Square Neighborhood Association

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New Contacts for Regent Square Neighborhood...

Hi Neighbors,   Due the the wonderful efforts of our neighbor Cristina Paul, our neighborhood is working to band together for greater sence of comunity.  As the moderator for this site has... more
Started: September 22nd 2013Replies: 0

Expo Should Plant New Trees

Recently the Expo Line cut down various mature shade trees along Venice in preparation for street widening.   I am concerned that they will not replant enough new trees along the borders of our... more
Started: June 16th 2013Replies: 0

Passing of contact person

Willie Bostic, the person listed as the contact for this web site, passed away about a year ago (around April 2002 I believe) according to his neighbors. He was a true gentleman and has been missed. more
Started: April 22nd 2003Replies: 0

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Obama Loan Modification Plan Explained
Pastduesm The key components of Obama's foreclosure-avoidance program are loan modification and loan refinancing. The details of this provision has created an extraordinary opportunity for millions of people to either...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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5 Tips For Conducting A Background Check...
Backchecksm Keep these tips in mind when conducting background checks on potential employees. Depending on your business and the position, you may need to do an extensive background check on a potential employee. While...
5 Tips To Prevent Noise Complaints In Your HOA
Airplane_over_house.jpg Stop noise complaints in your HOA before they even begin. Nobody likes a noisy neighbor. Noise complaints are the most common complaints within HOA associations, and can take months—along with an...
Tags: SafetyAssociation
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