If COPS / HOA can make positive changes and those changes are initiated, not just talk, then perhaps the attitudes and name calling would stop.
What changes do you speak of with regards to COPS? Tell me...what positive change could I possibly make to please you all??? LOL You all crack me up.
COPS is not a benefit of being part of the HOA. It's just people looking out for one another.
I do hope more people become involved in our neighborhood HOA and I do hope our HOA has answers to many questions that will be asked at the next meeting and it would be nice to post the date of the next meeting and let everyone know whether or not Mr. Newell will be attending. Otherwise, HOA won't be able to answer many of the questions that I and my neighbors have. We need answers. We need the truth. Bring the person who has the truth.
The meetings went to once a year because no one would show. Once a year with food gets about twenty people there. Unfortunently, without the threat of strip clubs or gas leases, hardly anyone cares or finds time to attend. I don't know when the next meeting is. I think officer elections are coming up in Sept. Don't quote me, I'm not sure. The HOA will have several open positions. Some that never get filled and some that will become open. I too hope that many of you will attend. Especially, if you are passionate about change and have some great ideas. I do know that there will be a Crime & Safety Summer Picnic August 10th from 4:30 - 8:30 at River Trails Park. Your neigborhood Patrol officer, Captain Sudan, maybe Councilmen Scarth will all be there. So will the Fire Dept, Code Complince, SWAT, Safety Clowns (tenatively), Crime Prevention Officer, COP Coordinator, and more. I hope to see you all there. Fun for the kids, informational for the adults and a cheap dinner for the family. Not to mention, a great opprotunity to meet more neighbors from all over the neighborhood.
Have you tried just calling Ken directly? His office is located at the corner of Trammel Davis and Precinct Line. It may be as easy as just stopping by and visiting with him.