@BooBoo, thanks. Yes it was VERY hard, even with local TV news coverage, many people complained "I didn't know" when the compressos station fight was in it's highest levels. Because we're a voluntary HOA, unfortunately, you're right-we are limited in what we can do to help the residents; this also extends to limitations on how well we can communicate. Those mandatory HOAs around us (LORT & MC) were able to get their word out more effectively because of this-they have contact information for everyone.
Despite the efforts which seem for naught, we still keep trying. I believe in RT and everyone who lives here-I want us to succeed as does everyone involved in the neighborhood. We need more involvement from our residents-it's not just about keeping RT safe, it's about being true neighbors & friends to everyone, it's about us as a community (we're 1500 homes + LORT's 1100+, all with our own elementary school-we are our own community). Forgive me for saying it, we should start acting like a community.
Off my soapbox now (hehe),