I would attend if I ever received notice of when and where the meetings were held. So far, I think we have only received one notice and that was when we were still unpacking from moving into this house...
I would attend if I ever received notice of when and where the meetings were held. So far, I think we have only received one notice and that was when we were still unpacking from moving into this house... |
I have lived here for 6 years and attended each annual HOA meeting (generally in December). Out of 370 plus households, MAYBE 10% of residents even show up. We are not going to get anything done until we increase it to 25% or more is my understanding. Being a board member is a thankless job and there are few volunteers, if people want to gripe, then GET INVOLVED. This year is not going well for the HOA, liens need to be slapped on all offenders of the covenants, they may not care now, but they will later. My understanding from last year is that they can only publish the address of the scum-sucking, bottom-feeding parasites that are in arrears of their dues. They must really be proud of their homes and glad their neighbors for paying their share...
most likely obama supporters |
Does anyone know when or where the next meeting will be held? And, is there a public forum where it is posted? If we are relying on printed information getting handed out, that system has failed miserably... at least that's been my experience. As I have previously stated, we have not received notification of the meetings.
If anyone has information concerning the next HOA meeting, please reply to this. It would be extremely helpful. Thank you!
I just reread the post above and saw that they are usually held in December. So, if anyone has information that is more specific that would be fantastic. Also, if there is not a public forum listing the information perhaps that would be a good idea. Then, there would at least be a back up in case the word didn't get out the way it was originally intended.
How are the meetings generally run? Do they use Roger's Rules of Order? Do I have to submit suggestions in advance for consideration to be heard during the meeting? Any information on this would also be greatly appreciated.
Thanks again! |
The HOA is required to mail out notices prior to the annual meeting (usually in November or December). They also tend to put something on the boards at the entrance closer to the date of the meeting. |