Ms. White wrote:
I complained about almost everything. You were on that council who knocked down everything. You wanted to do it your way. Cover for the people responsible.''
Again, I voted against what you presented because you only wanted to single out one or two people and not EVERYONE responsible. I do not and did not want to cover for anyone, I just wanted EVERYONE held accountable that should have been. If your resolutions had done that I would have supported them.
Ms. White wrote:
If the I.R.S. AND PENSION FUNDS WERE THERE, and a check just had to be written, why pay Narcus to go to court and spend thousands more of the taxpayer's money and get just a portion of it back as you wanted to make a deal with Hunt and Cain? They needed to be sued and prosecuted for income tax evasion as any normal person if they did this.''
The Village is in court because the Bonding Company sued the Village to get an exact figure as to what was owed to cover the costs of the penalties and interest. Yes, Hunt and Cain are responsbile, but so was the Council who did not provide the OVERSIGHT.
Ms. White wrote:
You can try to justify this, but it is illegal by law. Council does not write the checks. You don't seem to realize, they only see what the mayor and clerk wants them to see. You have dishonest people working for years.''
That may be how it was in the past, but currently EVERY check is signed by a member of the Finance Committee and the Village Council approves the appropriations so that money can be spent. If Council wanted to stop everything all they would have had to do was pass an appropriations ordinance that had $0 in every column and the Village shuts down until they get their answers or the problems are corrected. You seem to forget the checks and balances that are in place Ms. White. No appropriations - No checks. It is very simple. Council has the authority to call special meetings and pass an ordinance at anytime to change the appropriations. The Council is NOT POWERLESS. I am not afraid to take those measures if I felt that it was necessary, but currently the finances are in very good shape and they are better than they have EVER been in the history of Valleyview. I am sorry that past councils failed to provide the proper OVERSIGHT.
Ms. White wrote:
''Look how fast Russolillo took off when a drug test was mentioned and it was found the bills, taxes and pension fund hadn't been paid. I promised him, 'If the loan to O.P.W.C wasn't paid I was going to the attorney general for his mis-use of public funds.'''
As you say. I have no comment on this statment as it is your own opinion.
Ms. White wrote:
''These are illegal acts of tax payer money. I am sorry that you feel this is alright.''
Provide proof where I have said it was ''all right''. I have always said and will continue to say that everyone responsible needs to be held accountable for their role in the Village's financial problems. I am sorry that you want to let some people off the hook and only blame a few when more are responsible.
Ms. White wrote:
I complained about almost everything. You were on that council who knocked down everything. You wanted to do it your way. Cover for the people responsible.''
Again, I voted against what you presented because you only wanted to single out one or two people and not EVERYONE responsible. I do not and did not want to cover for anyone, I just wanted EVERYONE held accountable that should have been. If your resolutions had done that I would have supported them.
Ms. White wrote:
If the I.R.S. AND PENSION FUNDS WERE THERE, and a check just had to be written, why pay Narcus to go to court and spend thousands more of the taxpayer's money and get just a portion of it back as you wanted to make a deal with Hunt and Cain? They needed to be sued and prosecuted for income tax evasion as any normal person if they did this.''
The Village is in court because the Bonding Company sued the Village to get an exact figure as to what was owed to cover the costs of the penalties and interest. Yes, Hunt and Cain are responsbile, but so was the Council who did not provide the OVERSIGHT.
Ms. White wrote:
You can try to justify this, but it is illegal by law. Council does not write the checks. You don't seem to realize, they only see what the mayor and clerk wants them to see. You have dishonest people working for years.''
That may be how it was in the past, but currently EVERY check is signed by a member of the Finance Committee and the Village Council approves the appropriations so that money can be spent. If Council wanted to stop everything all they would have had to do was pass an appropriations ordinance that had $0 in every column and the Village shuts down until they get their answers or the problems are corrected. You seem to forget the checks and balances that are in place Ms. White. No appropriations - No checks. It is very simple. Council has the authority to call special meetings and pass an ordinance at anytime to change the appropriations. The Council is NOT POWERLESS. I am not afraid to take those measures if I felt that it was necessary, but currently the finances are in very good shape and they are better than they have EVER been in the history of Valleyview. I am sorry that past councils failed to provide the proper OVERSIGHT.
Ms. White wrote:
''Look how fast Russolillo took off when a drug test was mentioned and it was found the bills, taxes and pension fund hadn't been paid. I promised him, 'If the loan to O.P.W.C wasn't paid I was going to the attorney general for his mis-use of public funds.'''
As you say. I have no comment on this statment as it is your own opinion.
Ms. White wrote:
''These are illegal acts of tax payer money. I am sorry that you feel this is alright.''
Provide proof where I have said it was ''all right''. I have always said and will continue to say that everyone responsible needs to be held accountable for their role in the Village's financial problems. I am sorry that you want to let some people off the hook and only blame a few when more are responsible.