So, are you going to run again?
So, are you going to run again?
So, are you going to run again? |
Tell you what...
I would be more than happy to answer that question, and any others you would care pose, just as soon as you identify yourself. |
Is Gary Wetlich the only one up in 2007 for re-election to his trustee seat? Is he running again, or I know Bruce Rookstool used to read PATA, is he or are you interested in running again? In terms of the city speaking of Mayor Shaver out and walking around, I hear he still wants to continue being mayor of the city. Obviously he has higher hopes than just the city of Pickerington, possibly the commisoners seat in 08. Then we will have three seats on council up as well with Ted and Brian running again, will be interesting to see who completes that team if it is indeed Heidi. Then if we have another faction running and possibly even an old guard faction running? Is this a problem that they might split the vote the two control growth sides and let more Sabatino's slip into council? |
Who do you think should run?
Give us some names to think about. Obviously everyone but Fix was recruited last time out. Not too many will volunteer. Most have to be recruited. Who should we recruit to run to help? |