Concerning WHO negotiates the teachers' union contract with the PLSD BOE, page 4 says that negotiations teams will be limited to five (5) members each. It also states that negotiations shall be conducted in executive session.
I'm not sure if this means all 5 board members are on the negotiating team, or if the superintendent, treasurer and legal representative (who all sign the approval page, along with the board president) are part of the team.
For the PEA, the president, two team members and an OEA (Ohio Education Association) rep all sign.
Yes, the OEA has a signature line.
Don't kid yourself. The PEA is an arm of the OEA and the NEA. In fact, Article 1 of the contract states, ''The Pickerington Board of Education hereinafter referred to as the 'Board' recognizes the Pickerington Education Association (PEA), (Ohio Education Association) OEA, (National Education Association) NEA, Central OEA/NEA, hereinafter referred to as the 'Association' as the sole and exclusive bargaining representative of the bargaining unit defined in Article 2, Bargaining Unit.''
This means the PEA has the full force and resources of the OEA and NEA behind them. The OEA and NEA participate in or support these kinds of negotiations all the time. Pickerington Board members don't.
The unions also have lots of money at their disposal, to send in the brightest and best they can afford.
For the board to not hire a professional negotiator to negotiate on behalf of the board (i.e. the taxpayers) is completely foolishness.
I also think anyone who has a relative who is a member of the PEA, OEA or NEA should recuse themselves from the talks, to eliminate even the appearance of a conflict of interest.
The more I delve into this subject the more I realize that the deck is stacked against the taxpayers. We look to the board members to represent us, and in a perfect world that would be the case.
But it's looking more and more like we're sending boys and girls in to do the jobs of men and women.
Concerning WHO negotiates the teachers' union contract with the PLSD BOE, page 4 says that negotiations teams will be limited to five (5) members each. It also states that negotiations shall be conducted in executive session.
I'm not sure if this means all 5 board members are on the negotiating team, or if the superintendent, treasurer and legal representative (who all sign the approval page, along with the board president) are part of the team.
For the PEA, the president, two team members and an OEA (Ohio Education Association) rep all sign.
Yes, the OEA has a signature line.
Don't kid yourself. The PEA is an arm of the OEA and the NEA. In fact, Article 1 of the contract states, ''The Pickerington Board of Education hereinafter referred to as the 'Board' recognizes the Pickerington Education Association (PEA), (Ohio Education Association) OEA, (National Education Association) NEA, Central OEA/NEA, hereinafter referred to as the 'Association' as the sole and exclusive bargaining representative of the bargaining unit defined in Article 2, Bargaining Unit.''
This means the PEA has the full force and resources of the OEA and NEA behind them. The OEA and NEA participate in or support these kinds of negotiations all the time. Pickerington Board members don't.
The unions also have lots of money at their disposal, to send in the brightest and best they can afford.
For the board to not hire a professional negotiator to negotiate on behalf of the board (i.e. the taxpayers) is completely foolishness.
I also think anyone who has a relative who is a member of the PEA, OEA or NEA should recuse themselves from the talks, to eliminate even the appearance of a conflict of interest.
The more I delve into this subject the more I realize that the deck is stacked against the taxpayers. We look to the board members to represent us, and in a perfect world that would be the case.
But it's looking more and more like we're sending boys and girls in to do the jobs of men and women.