Westwood Neighborhood Association, Inc.

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Welcome . . .

Westwood Neighborhood Association, Inc. was organized in 1986 for the purpose of maintaining the quality of life and the appearance of the neighborhood.  Our mission is clear:  we wish for a safe, clean, crime-free community.  We care about our
neighborhood and want our neighbors to take pride in living in the community by maintaining their yards and following the city codes and ordinances. Through the years, the association has sponsored  community  clean-ups, festivals and has hosted several city Mayor’s Town Hall and community meetings.  WNA has also received the following awards: Certificate of 
Achievement; Most Unique Neighborhood Project; Dedicated  Service; Most Effective Neighborhood;
Certificate of Appreciation–Adopt-A-School Partner.  WNA is committed to making this community a “beautiful community.” Westwood community is bounded by Levi Road, Horn Lake Road, W. Shelby Drive and Illinois Central Rail Road (ICRR). New sign erected in 2019.

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4101 Maumee - Years of Code Violations

Hello Westwood,   There are renters here using public street and front yard as a salvage yard.  Up to 11 wrecked vehicles on and off daily.   Numerous Code Enforcement complaints for... more
Started: August 7th 2020Replies: 1

Naked Truth Liberation and Empowerment Ministries

Come Join Us… ***New to the Neighborhood***              ***New to the Neighborhood*** Naked Truth Liberation And Empowerment... more
Started: July 26th 2016Replies: 0

Naked Truth Liberation and Empowerment Ministries

Come Join Us… ***New to the Neighborhood***              ***New to the Neighborhood*** Naked Truth Liberation And Empowerment... more
Started: July 26th 2016Replies: 0

Westwood Neighborhood Association, Inc. Real Estate and Home Values

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$8,000 First Time Home Buyers Tax Credit
Tax_returnsm Who qualifies for the $8,000 first time homebuyers tax credit and the details of how first-time homebuyers can qualify for this unprecedented opportunity are the subjects of this article. The Tax Credit for...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Resources For Seniors
Elderly Find available benefits, housing facilities and services for seniors. Whether you’re a caregiver of an elderly family member, or simply are interested in finding benefits and services available to you,...
Greening Up Our Community Associations
Greeningupthumb Going green has become mainstream! It is no longer considered "weird" to show your concern for the environment, and those who are concerned are no longer thought of as part of the "lunatic fringe". Community...
Tags: AssociationBoard
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