Hey Blake,
There are several things that go into our dues. They go towards landscaping (mowing), property taxes on the land/pool/clubhouse, and management fees. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I heard that our streets are private and we have to pay a company to plow them (I'm gone a lot and am unsure about that). I have mixed emotions about our dues. $35 is unbelievably low compared to most condo/townhouse regimes. I am a real estate appraiser and obtain that info regularly. Most ass'n dues are closer to $150-250/mo. However, in those situations....they do not have to pay for new roofs, siding, driveways, sideways, etc. They are all considered common interest improvements and are paid for from ass'n dues. Not the case for us because we are detached single family structures. That is the primary reason we are so cheap. However, I don't feel good about the fact that our dues are paying people's salaries in Michigan where the Chateau HQ is. Just like anything in life......pros and cons. They post a spreadsheet of all our dues and their expenses that spell out what all they do for us. The two that I have seen have shown that our dues only cover about 60% of the expenses and the 'builder' fronts the rest of tab. But when you think about it.....who is supplying that information.....THE BUILDER. It would be very easy for them to cook the books. In summation....I'm drunk and rambling...but I think they are fair and equitable when compared to surrounding areas. I pay mine in a timely manner and hope that everyone else does (when people fail to pay them....legal fees are incurred because and outside legal firm has to be contracted to help regain the lost fees). There are a lot of other things to complain about......but that's a whole 'nother can of worms.