Bella Vista

Lower The H.O.A. Fees, damnit!

Posted in: Bella Vista
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hey everyone lets spend thousand more dollars on mulch that during rainy season (1/2 the year)   washes onto the streets and all over the neighborhood, where we are forced to clean it up and  then we pay the lawn service thousands more dollars for more.   the mulch is retarding all plants in front we have the worst landscape in the area and we continue to pay the lawn service how much.....who is getting a kick back for that contract, horrible  has no one noticed that none of the plants at the entrance grow...hello !

Mikko, did you notice also that sod replacement for an area last year is now needing the same replacement again? I ask along with you, who's supervising this crew and why are they not doing a good job. I've seen what looks like a Mexican family doing our lawn maintenance. Weeds in the entrance median has been growing higher than the shrubs. Who do you complain to and will it do any good.

please look at the landscape budget, we are being ripped off, i am home during the day and see what they actually do,

I understand that there are now three bids being considered. I hope to hell there are some references and they are contacted and scrutinized for their work before we take them on. But, then again, from my experience you have to supervise the work being done and have a clause in the contract for non-performance and make it stick.


also, has anyone noticed 15503 lake bella vista drive, their water heater is broken so they have rigged a pvc pipe under the garage door that is permanently opened to accomodate the pipe, the water stains go all the way down the drive to the street.....pretty,

Wow, no, I did not know about this, did anyone else? Has anyone asked this family if they can help them out with this problem? It might be a simple fix and I'd be willing to help if I can.

does a portion of our homeowner dues pay for someone to monitor the neighborhood, cause its not happening,  this looks like one low rent neighborhood. are letters even going out to people for violations ??????????????????? 

You bet our dues pay for monitoring. They are called, 'drivebys'. Some are getting violation notices/letters some aren't I guess. Enforcement seems to be a big issue though as it incurrs legal fees that we don't want to have to pay for. Some neighbors have offered and even helped other neighbors with their problems to resolve them. How great is that?

Keep in touch, we need more neighbor input here!




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Paul, I'm very disappointed in your post above, and several of the others you've posted on this website. What's gotten into you? You've known all the board members for quite a while. As someone who has promoted "telling someone to their face" in your posts, I'd think that you'd take the opportunity to express your reservations in person. But I suppose it's easier to post here than look someone in the eye.

Should I waste my time replying to you here? I just read where you're 'done with this mess'. I guess your time is more valuable elsewhere and you also believe your posts here have no importance? Come of age, man. Where have you been? What's gotten into me? I'm glad you asked. If you care to continue to monitor and participate on this board you'll see. Please try to keep an open mind and understand that each person posting here is expressing him or herself as best they can and may not have the expertise that someone else may have on a particluar subject.

I only saw you once at the last meeting I attended and you were elected into the board. I had no idea who you were until I asked someone. No proper introductions were made at that meeting. It was a sure bet that I would  not be allowed to run because it was stated that I was not a homeowner of this community. And only after I had mentioned this possibility to a board member was it brought to my attention by Sharmin before the start of the meeting. I have read the articles of incorporation and it states that any person can be a director of this board. Therefore I can only come to a conclusion that some person(s) operating in management capacity of this board are not fully aware of the bylaws and are therefore in flagrant violation of mismanagement. But, that's another subject.

Had you taken the opportunity to do that, here are some things you would have learned:

1. The community's insurance increased substantially in the last year. Additionally, revenues were down due to non-payment from some of our members. While we're pursuing all options as to those folks, I hope you'd agree that foreclosure should be a last resort. So under those circumstances, there was no choice but to raise the fees. We didn't do that lightly. Our management company presented us with data from comparable communities and I can assure you that our increase was well under what most communities charged. Our fees remain far less than most, which is something I'm proud of.


Of course, foreclosure is an expensive option and we might not get reimbursed.

The residents will never know just how much the insureance increased though. It's all a secret. Do you trust everything you read? I'm glad you're proud.

2. There was a thorough discussion of the basketball hoop issue in the last year. The input from our attorney was that the restrictions you want are essentially unenforceable.

What is enforceable in this community, as far as the rules go?

3. Rob, Sunni and I met with a contractor to discuss the berm and lake issues. We're awaiting a report from that contractor. We discussed several optons to make our lake compliant with SWFWMD regulations and to make sure that the berm area is secure. I personally discussed both the legal implications of our options, and the engineering employed, with the contractor as both fall within my field of expertise.

Can you expand on that here for the rest of us? Or is this secret stuff too and you would simply state, 'come to the meetings' to hear about it?

Maybe I'll soon have enough information to put together some great articles for the newsletter.

4. As to the newsletters, as Jackie pointed out you volunteered to be on that committee. If you feel there isn't leadership there, it's on you. If you applied half the energy it took in blasting the board members into putting a newsletter together, there would be one you'd be satisfied with. Likewise, if you'd spent your time coming to meetings and speaking with board members instead of badmouthing them here, you would have had your answers already.

I'm glad you gave me your opinion. I appreciate that you opened up to me. I think it took more energy for me to get your and others to finally express yourself here than it would have taken me to put out a newsletter, or, maybe not.

5. No one likes to get violation letters. I've gotten them too. Had you simply asked, you would know that our management company conducts periodic "drive bys" to determine violations. If a car is parked in the driveway and it's covering a stain, the inspector can't see the stain. One thing the board has implemented is a review process so that the letters aren't automatic. I personally take a look at the violations when I get a list to make sure they're legitimate and that there aren't any mistakes.

I knew this, why do I want to ask again? Too simplistic a statement, it's common sense. But, makes sense for those that don't have it. Finally, a review process. Wouldn't you have thought this should have been done from the git go? Congratulations!

6. This website has been promoted. I don't know why few have posted. Perhaps you've read the pulse of the community incorrectly.

Promoted? This is news to me. A small print on the bottom of two signs at the community entrances for the last party is promoting it? Do tell me more in case I missed it. I seem to be left out a lot lately.

Paul, your posts have a very simplistic view of what you perceive to be problems in our neighborhood. HOAs are governed by very specific statutes. Although it would be satisfying, there isn't a "magic wand" we can wave to do what you want. You also need to be aware that we speak with many residents in our community, not just you. The things you're concerned about have not been raised, at least to me, by them. Please understand that it's my role to serve the entire community, not just those who post here. Your posts entitle you to neither more nor less weight than anyone else's opinion.

I'm glad you stated that for all to read. Some don't realize the magnitude of this.I'm hoping you serve us well as you say you will. I wasn't really expecting anything here by my posts but I'm very glad you responded.

I haven't seen you at a meeting since the last annual meeting. I'd suggest to you that it's unfair to lash out at honest, hard-working people who are investing their precious time for free without doing some research. Some of your posts, in my opinion, imply that the board is either corrupt or incompetent. That's offensive and flatly incorrect. Over the years I have disagreed with the board often, but I respect their service and believe that people of good faith can disagree without one side being corrupt or stupid. I wish you'd adopt the same philosophy.

The last meeting was only three people. I'm sorry I did not attend. But, I cannot say at this time why I did not make that meeting. I've made all in the past since I've lived here and I didn't notice you at all of them. So, what point do you want to make of all that? If your time is so precious maybe you should think twice about putting in your time on this board. For you to take offense at my opinions I suspect that maybe you have something to hide or are incompetent to hold this position. Which is it? Is that they best you can do?

One last note: you vaguely reference "the truth" coming out, presumably by your hand. I urge you to more carefully research your claims and assertions before you make them. It's much easier to come up with gripes and start flame wars than to actually look into them and get your answers. I'd think it would serve your readers better to have a source of information they could rely on rather than useless speculation, conjecture, and bald accusations.  And yes, it is about attending meetings, if you don't take other steps to get informed.

And where do you expect me to find answers when no one here is willing to share them here? I take it that we can get all the answer from you but you will only share them at a meeting? I think our readers would like to read them here. Again, where have you been, this is the electronic age. This is the step to getting information which you and I have been providing our readers. Just don't get the idea that it's beneath you to provide it here. I'm all ears.

Dave Gould

Vice President


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paul, 1st let me say, your efforts here are tireless and you should be commended...........thanks u so much for addressing all my statements,

have not spoken to the family with the pipe, i actually thought it was empty and a non-resident owner was doing that....hmmmmm 

the landscaping is nasty looking, the mulch is killing everything, look how much money we would save with no mulch....on a walk, my husband found white mold underneath  9 inches of mulch in the front, it is those kids waiting for buses enjoy those mold spores...yum!


ALSO, whats up with nobody picking up their dog poo, we were in the front yard with my niece and she stepped on dog poo with her little our yard, not the mailbox area, our front yard, i think that speaks volumes that neighbors feel it appropriate to allow their animals excrement to remain on someones property.  Florida is so behind the times i guess with regard to laws on the subject, i guess i thought human decency who prevail, guess not ! 


whats a burm and whats wrong with it ?

who does drivebys and how frequent.  I would be curious to know that information.........apparantly someone with blinders on.........

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Miko, you are very welcome. Thanks for the kudos. I'm glad you are putting in your two cents worth. Too many people are very afraid of what they may write I guess.

I'll have to look at that address you gave of where this broken pipe from the water heater is located. The Hillsborough County web site will tell us who the owner is. A letter should be sent to him addressing that he fix this problem. Maybe Sharmin, our management person at Greenacres has done this already. Who knows.

You point out that the mulch has mold underneath it. That says to me that there is too much mulch. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. I'm always hoping others with more knowledge or experience on a subject will step up and comment. I expect too much sometimes though. Yes, I'm sure the kids at the bus stop, especially the ones with allergies are suffering with all sorts of problems from the spores. Someone needs to look into this mulch problem. I hope Rob is reading this or someone on our beloved board that might go take a look. Hmm, I'm expecting too much again me thinks.

I can only believe, Miko, that people are mostly of the lazy variety. And picking up their dog poo is so beneath them. Ick!.  Most of these lazy inconsiderate types would probably think, 'ewwww, what would someone think if they saw me picking up dog poo'. Self esteeem, self confidence, I think it's all about that. People just lack so much it disgusts me. They needlessly worry about what others think rather than use their head and do the right thing.  Maybe we need to stick a sign in the ground all around our pond and streets, stressing the need for safety and health reasons, not to mention a fine for leaving these nasty deposits.

Here I go again, I could have written a positive newsletter article in all the time I've spent here.  Wink

Miko, we need to meet sometime, talk over some coffee or something. I hear there's a revolution starting...

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