Aug 2012
Featured Community: Baker Historic NA, Denver CO
Aug/24/2012 02:16 PM Filed in: Featured

Baker Historic Neighborhood Association in Denver, CO is is a diverse, dynamic neighborhood located in the urban core of Denver and was first plotted and developed in the 1870s.
Baker has played a central role in the history of Denver and is a vibrant urban neighborhood which features a large number preserved historic homes.
Baker Historic originally began using a Neighborhood Link free site in 1998, but left us in 2007. They recently returned to Neighborhood Link in order to utilize our premium features.
Learn more and visit: Baker Historic Neighorhood Association
Want to nominate your community to be the Featured Community? Send us a short email telling us why and a link to your site. Email Us
Tip: Get People Involved!
Aug/14/2012 02:09 PM Filed in: Tips

Turn any community gathering (even informal gatherings of a few people) into a tool to build relationships and improve your community.
Have a simple form on a clipboard and ask anyone interested to provide their contact details and suggestions for neighborhood improvements.
Then, on your website:
- Create a webpage detailing the suggested neighborhood improvements
- Create a password protected contact list (Premium Only)
- Create an email blast to keep everyone informed (Premium Only)
- Start a discussion thread prioritizing the improvement suggestions
- Start discussions about how to make each improvement happen
- Use the calendar to schedule actions on improvements
- Email blast asking for volunteers for specific needs (Premium Only)
- Create pages, upload PDFs, and use pictures to track your progress/success
- Take your clipboard to the next community gathering and grow your contact/improvement list
- Have a first aid kit on hand at any community event.
- Supervise clean up. Remember to leave it cleaner than you found it!
Login now and get started!
Fire Safety In Your Community

Fires can start anywhere at any time. Help keep your homeowners and community safe with regular fire education and preventive actions.
Whether you live in a neighborhood, gated community or a condo building, there are important things you can do to help keep your community—and those who live in it—safe from fire.
Read More About: Fire Safety In Your Community