Jan 2013
Featured Community: Woodbury IA, Boca Raton, FL
Jan/25/2013 03:12 PM Filed in: Featured

Woodbury Improvement Association is a beautifully maintained community just outside the city limits of Boca Raton, in southernmost Palm Beach County, Florida.
Woodbury is a part of an umbrella organization of about 90 homeowners' groups that totals about 10,000 units and about 30,000 people. If it was incorporated, it would be one of the largest cities in Palm Beach County.
Woodbury joined Neighborhood Link in August 2012 and has done an excellent job utilizing all of the tools that Neighborhood Link provides.
Learn more and visit: Woodbury Improvement Association
Want to nominate your community to be the Featured Community? Send us a short email telling us why and a link to your site. Email Us
Why Have A Professional Reserve Study?

As a business, the Board needs a business plan for the maintenance of the assets of the association. Which assets or parts thereof (i.e. partial pavement replacements, phasing roofing replacements) will require repair or replacement, when will they need replacement, and at what cost are the most important questions one must ask in determining a forecast of future capital projects.
When managing the contributions (assessments) of hundreds of homeowners, it is essential to provide as accurate a forecast as possible. Professional Reserve Study providers have the extra expertise from conducting hundreds of assignments each year to apply engineering success stories from other associations and determine the most reasonable reserve budget that is consistent with Board objectives.
Read More About: Why Have A Professional Reserve Study?
Tip: Welcome New Neighbors
Jan/11/2013 02:37 PM Filed in: Tips

Make your neighborhood feel like the friendly inviting place that your new neighbors imagined when they purchased their home.
Your neighborhood only gets one chance to make a first impression.
Simple Acts Go A Long Way:
- Introduce yourself
- Keep the initial conversation short – Moving is busy and stressful; don’t add to it.
- Print a neighborhood directory from the website (Premium Only)
- Offer to help unload – If professional movers are not involved, extra hands unloading the truck are helpful
- Provide the necessary information to login and become a member of the website
- Be careful sharing warm memories about the previous owners. (This is their home now)
- Deliver a hot meal with disposable plates/utensils (Their kitchen may not be unpacked yet)
- Provide a calendar with HOA meetings, local events, trash collection schedule, etc. (Make this a page on the website)
- Recognize new move-ins at your next HOA or Neighborhood meeting
- Create a page on the website with a picture of the new family and a bio (Premium Only)
Keep smiling and greeting your new neighbors every time you see them. A neighbor who feels valued and accepted is more likely to be a positive addition to your community.
Login now and get started!