Jul 2011
Featured Community: Villas At Stone Creek
Jul/22/2011 02:45 PM Filed in: Featured

The Villas of Spring Creek is a gated community located in the far Northeast area of San Antonio, Texas and is home to 142 families.
M.K. Scheidel (HOA President and webmaster) has done a great job customizing their homepage and using all of the tools that Neighborhood Link provides. Learn more and visit: The Villas of Spring Creek.
Want to nominate your community to be the Featured Community? Send us a short email telling us why and a link to your site. Email Us
Tip: Preserve Your Important Documents!
Jul/15/2011 02:42 PM Filed in: Tips

With your website's unlimited storage space, you can develop greater neighborhood pride, awareness, and concern for neighborhood preservation by keeping an online archive of all your important documents.
To get started: First follow these simple steps:
- Click Pages & Links
- Click Add
- Choose 'Upload a Document' (You can upload any PDF, Word or Excel file on your computer.)
- Fliers from picnics, block parties, etc.
- Open letters from a neighborhood leader to the community
- Forms and Applications
- Maps
- Budgets
- Meeting agendas and minutes
- Charters, Bylaws, CC&RS
Carefree Crossing Estates
Courtland Square Homeowners Association
Groton Woods Condominium Association
Genesis Park
Brighton Area Homeowners Association
Should You Pay Off Your Mortgage?
Jul/05/2011 05:18 PM Filed in: Resource GuideHomeowner

While a home loan is far and away that largest percentage of a person’s debt load, does it make sense to pay it off completely?
In hard economic times, we’re all looking for ways to reduce our debt. But should you pay off your home loan? Everyone’s situation is unique—find out if paying off your mortgage makes sense for you.
Read More About: Should You Pay Off Your Mortgage?